Thursday, March 22, 2007

Another Director "gone"

We have officially lost another Director at FMHHS. Our Director of the Dietary department officially resigned about a week ago.

The official report is she is taking another job elsewhere.

But what is the “rest of the story?”

Her resignation came shortly after a meeting with administration dealing with the staffing issues and the lack thereof in her department.

A recent blogger wrote the following on a previous posting:

Anonymous said...
Dietary Director told her staff,she coulden't take it any more!She had no support from adminstration.Herlast day is April 12th!She was told she had to get rid of three more people and run her department and keep morale up! All of us heard her say,I can't take it any longer.She wanted to accomplish what she started and now she's leaving us.What are we suppsed to do?The good leaders are leaving and the bad ones stay? They stay because adminstration can't or won't do anything about them.What is happening to our hospital?
3/16/2007 12:30:00 AM

Frustration levels continue to be rising with middle management as many see no end in the current struggles.

The Board may want to have an exit interview with this director and try to get a feel for the underlying sentiment of how the cutbacks are really affecting the operation of Floyd.

I give this Director credit for making a stand. Quality of Care is an issue and you cannot maintain the same quality we have been accustomed to in the past with this current environment.

She evidently is able to recognize what continued cuts are doing in the various departments.

We will miss her leadership and vision for the department.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Issues like this will become more apparent because we do not have an experienced VP of OPs.

3/22/2007 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the Dietary Director's husband took a job out of town and she is going with him.

3/22/2007 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to corporate America. Management will find someone cheaper or outsource the service. After all, no hard feelings. It's just business.

3/22/2007 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the Dietary Director's name? Is it still Betty Morgan?

3/22/2007 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems the dietary employees are now following you as you make your morning rounds voicing concerns about their department woes, it seems like you have quite a following. Maybe you should aquire a title as Grand Master of FMH. One who knows-all, sees-all, hears-all.

3/22/2007 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the Dietary Director was told that she would have to cut several people from her already "short" department. Many of these people have worked there a long time and make just over minimum wage. Betty Morgan retired from Floyd Dec.2005 I am pretty sure. I personally feel it is good that the Dietary employees have someone to talk too....apparently anony 09:45 has no connection with or cares about FMH or its employees so why are you on this blog anyway?

3/22/2007 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When all else fails...and no substance to an argument...attack the person. I am embarrassed for those bloggers who decline to personal attacks.

3/22/2007 11:44:00 AM  
Blogger watcher said...

Keep firing worker bees due to money problems but by all means keep all those necessary VP's or create a need for more of them.

3/22/2007 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly we are unable to read minds so we do not know the true reason behind the dietary director's decision to leave. We all place our own beliefs in place to be able to comprehend why she would abandon her job at floyd. Rumors are fast moving and usually far from the truth.

3/22/2007 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did her husband take an out-of-town job or not? If so, there would seem to be more to her leaving than simple unhappiness with proposed job cuts.

3/22/2007 06:37:00 PM  
Blogger Christopher D said...

I think it is shame that all of this "behind the scenes" happenings are occuring at our municipal hospital, cutting jobs, pushing people out.
When will it stop? Th employees at floyd are dedicated, hard working people, but one must wonder where the line will be drawn between money and patient care?

3/22/2007 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Keith Megraw and this is my third posting to your blog.

Someone asked me if I had read your blog lately. I told them I had not. It dawned on me that I have spent the last few months so involved in surviving my daily healthcare experience, that I hadn’t had time to analysis and document it, as you do.

I got up this morning to send my oldest son off for a much needed spring break. He is a senior in college and will be facing this mean and ugly world soon. I was reading a word from Charles Stanley and got thinking about you.

He was talking about the time after our Saviors death, when the disciples immediately went into hiding. They were certain they would meet the same fate as their Lord. Fear gripped their hearts as their minds raced to make sense of all that had occurred.

They had forgotten Christ’s words: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you; Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. You heard that I said to you, ‘I’ll go away, and I will come to you …’ I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe”

Some events in life are more sorrowful than our hearts can handle. The crucifixion was one of these. Instead of believing Jesus would never leave them, the disciples were convinced He was gone, and with Him went their hopes for the future. However, They were wrong! Three days later the risen Savior stepped into their presence and said, “Peace be with you”.

I wish you Peace.

Keith Megraw

3/23/2007 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't know, Keith McGraw is one of the hospital's Board Members. He is in his 4th year.

I am trying to understand the interpretation and intent of Keith's posted comment.

The bible says it is not our place to judge others. I therefore am asking Keith to interpret EXACTLY what he is saying.

3/23/2007 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't know, Keith McGraw is one of the hospital's Board Members. He is in his 4th year.

I am trying to understand the interpretation and intent of Keith's posted comment.

The bible says it is not our place to judge others. I therefore am asking Keith to interpret EXACTLY what he is saying.

Oh no, here we go again.

3/23/2007 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: "The bible says it is not our place to judge others"

Does this mean that HB does not follow biblical rules? He is the most judgmental person I have ever encountered. Not that I am judging or anything.

3/23/2007 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might also add:

Judge not, lest ye be judged

3/23/2007 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diogenes? Are you with us in stealth mode? What's going on here...

I believe Keith's point was that when all else fails, people of faith can (or should) at least take comfort in having been told, "Be still and know that I Am God." Maybe HB didn't get that memo.

I'm disappointed in HB for encouraging speculation regarding the Dietary Director's private situation. I propose this: until she decides to make a public announcement about her departure, "the rest of the story" is none of our business. There could be any number of reasons--illness, family maintenance, frustration, involuntary termination--but regardless of what prompted it, we would be silly to assume that leaving is ever easy for someone who cares about the organization. If she wants us to know the "rest of the story," she'll tell us. Otherwise, can't we be a little more respectful?

Blogging about these things makes people feel like they're engaged in The Good Fight, which offers a sense of control. Sometimes we have to accept that there are things outside of our control... which is nothing to be afraid of. Yet we come here and make issues where there are none, sling accusations without foundation, twist each other's words and say things to one another that we would never do if our names were attached at the bottom of our posts. Why?

Speculating, perpetuating rumors, and picking fights with nameless, faceless strangers who end their sentences with propositions (as I did a moment ago) and say "your" instead of "you're" does NOT, in reality, give us control over anything. It just makes us look ridiculous, and wastes the original intent of the blog as I have understood it for months. RELAX. Let's not get carried away with fear.

3/23/2007 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the "judge not" thing. It's always invoked when people don't want to have their actions called into accountability...and who also usually don't know any other biblical principles...

3/23/2007 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get to the "absolute truth" of this matter.

3/23/2007 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted the anonymous message at 10:05 am. And I must say that I am very disappointed. My entire message was misinterpreted.

My quote of the bible was not directed toward anyone and I certainly don't appreciate those who have chosen to twist it.

Keith's message was confusing to me and I simply wanted to give Keith the opportunity to explain what he meant. I was also trying to suggest that others should give the benefit of doubt to everyone else whether it be through this blog or through experience at FMH.

Why do individuals assume the worst in others? Why are others so jusdgemental and criticize, not giving the same consideration they themselves want? Why do some only want to "stir the pot"?

And why wasn't I asked what I meant? It is obvious no one understood. If you thought the worst, why wasn't I given the benefit of doubt, and asked to clarify? Why assume the worst in me? For those of you who responded in negativity, couldn't you have thought good first and then bad only after being proven wrong?

I am getting sick and tired of the fighting and useless remarks. I have decided this blog is a waste of time and serves no purpose except to make people angry. I have better things to do with my time. This is the last time I visit this site. I had hoped it would serve as an educational tool for the community. What a waste!!!

3/23/2007 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also am having a hard time trying to understand Keith's intent, but I am glad he is reading.

There are many different viewpoints and unless you are willing to listen and hear all sides, it is difficult for anyone to come to the right conclusion.

I believe even Keith has been sometimes frustrated on the Board at receiving only partial information.

Not all my views are right but they are not always wrong.

I believe Keith is gaining a better understanding of the overall situation and that is healthy for the Board.

3/24/2007 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those anonymous commenters making statements about judging, maybe this mini bible study will help

• Judging

• "Do not judge, lest you be judged" (Matthew 7:1).
• Jesus' comment is almost universally misunderstood.
• This is because of an inherent conflict in the condemnation of judging that goes on by everyone but only pointed out when it is against others.
• Judgment always entails assessment.
• The statement "You shouldn't judge" is a referred to as a self-refuting statement because it refutes itself.
• If you continue to read in the Bible, Jesus went on and qualified His comment.
• And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?...You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. (Matthew 7:3, 5)
• Jesus did not condemn all judgments; only hypocritical ones.
• Not all judgments are of this type and characterizing them as such is wrong.
• Even in this passage Jesus actually emphasized a different kind of judgment once the hypocrisy has been dealt with ("first take the log out of your own eye, then").
• When the full context of Matt. 7:1 is understood, unfair and hypocritical judgments are prohibited, but righteous judgment is necessary for discernment on how to live our lives to be pleasing to God.
• Judgments are made every day about people and situations.
• Murderers and child molesters are judged as morally wrong to most people.
• This is righteous judgment based on God's moral code.
• This type of judgment is how you discern what is right and wrong and how to live your life under God's will.
• God sets the standard, we follow.
• There are two other kinds of judging in Scripture that are not condemned, but actually commanded.
• Some judgments are judicial and proper when done by proper authorities.
• Judges judge.
• They pass sentences and that’s their job.
• Church discipline would also fall into this sort as described in (Matthew 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 5:12-13, Galatians 6:1).
• Jesus did not come initially for this kind of judgment.
• He offered mercy, not sentencing (John 3:17, 12:47)
• But He will certainly return with this kind as it says he is appointed by the Father as final judge (John 5:22, 27; Acts 10:42, 17:31).
• The Bible says He will spare no one.
• Other judgments are assessments
• They entail appraisals of right or wrong, wise or foolish, accurate or inaccurate, rational or irrational.
• This kind of judgment is not forbidden
• It is commanded by Jesus' in (Matthew 7:6) and it reminds us to judge our own acts first but not make our word a law to everybody.
• We must not judge rashly, nor pass judgment upon our brother without any grounds or merit.
• But the passage does require a kind of judgment.
• Peter reminds us to "be of sound judgment" since "the end of all things is at hand," (1 Peter 4:7).
• Some assessments are moral.
• Paul commands this kind of judgment: "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them" (Ephesians 5:11). This is to be done not "according to appearance," but by "righteous" standards (John 7:24) according to Jesus, who chastised the Jews for their failures here: "And why do you not judge even on your own initiative what is right?" (Luke 12:57)
• A judicial action, a factual assessment, a hypocritical arrogance; all are judgments.
• Only the last one is disqualified by Jesus.
• The first two are actually virtues in their proper settings, and therefore commanded by Scripture.
• But to be extremely clear on the message of judgment and why it ultimately matters:
• The Christian message at its core entails a message of judgment.
• The "good news" of the Gospel is only good against the bad news of judgment.
• As Christians and ambassadors for Christ, we cannot avoid this.
• The Gospel is offensive enough
• We don't need to add any more offense to it; but we should not remove the offense that is inherent to the Gospel
• The Christian message starts with a judgment and it will end with a judgment for those who do not heed it.
• Jesus was hated, in part, because he testified to the truth of the world's evil deeds (John 7:7).
• But it is never in bad taste to tell people the truth when the truth really matters.
• That's what faithful ambassadors do, even here.
• For more thorough understanding of judging, read Romans chap. 2.

3/24/2007 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee...this is becoming a one-stop shopping site for all our needs. We can get healthcare advice, management advice and religious instruction all at one place--HB's All Purpose Store. His motto: "Trust me, I know everything"

3/24/2007 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12:08 and other's trying to discredit truth and honesty, caring and compassion.

SHAME on ALL of you.

We are to judge actions, not people. People are for Our Lord to judge. We are told we will know the deceivers by their works.

JUDGING by this....all of you so earnestly trying to discredit HB and all the employees trying to express their concerns, trying to get the real problems identified and solutions, hopefully, arrived bloggers must belong to Administration, possibly the CEO or senior VP yourself.

And to the person who said the only people on this blog, lead irrelevant lives....SHAME on you, too. NO life is irrelevant. You, and people like you, are part of the problem with the world today.

3/24/2007 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANONYMOUS 7:05, you might want to save a little of your "shame" for HB. His commitment to truth is not nearly as strong as his commitment to his agenda of destroying the career of the CEO at Floyd Memorial. He has a habit of using half-truths and misrepresentations to make his points. He bases many of his claims on hallway gossip and the kind of routine employee griping that occurs in every department of every organization made up of human beings. He is mean-spirited, vindictive and willing to say or do most anything to make his case. He is one of those smug "know-it-alls" who has all the answers and none of the responsibility for proving them right. He works in the shadows promoting disloyalty and disaffection and is almost never a force for positive change--only for finger pointing and whiny complaining. Frankly, many of us are fed up with his trouble making and would like to see someone put a cork in his mouth. He is an embarrassment to his fellow doctors...just ask around and you will hear the same from many of them.

3/24/2007 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:05
Have you experienced lies first hand from Administration of FMHHS? As an employee, I have. Has your livelihood, your career been threatened by the cutbacks, working short staffed? Have you had to deal with suffering and pain from patients and families, with supply shortages, little things such as drinks, coffee, snacks being cut back, or out all together? Yes, we're in a business. Should be a service...we're dealing with people here...or should be. I've watched this wonderful organization go downhill for almost 20 years...I'm referring to staffing, morale, the whole nine yards...a steady decline. We positive people are wore out. How many times do you get beat down before you call it quits?
Maybe HB is wrong...maybe he's right. Irregardless, there are problems...major problems. We can point fingers forever, but our patients are our first concern. All this backbiting is destroying us. Pointing fingers and accusing is getting us nowhere, and it's definitely un-Christian. But if you look at the remarks on this blog, have experienced the problems first hand at FMHHS, the question must naturally arise....who's all the nasty remarks, from all the Anonymous replies from? We employees do not have the liberty to state our names and keep our jobs. If anyone is for the present situation at FMHHS, what keeps them from giving their names? Makes one think it may be Admin. or people just wanting to argue, without a clue what they're arguing about.
HB's tactics may be a little rough, his words may strike some the wrong way. Truth is hard to swallow at times.

3/24/2007 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anony 09:35p.m., I can only say AMEN. I feel sure some of the bloggers have no real interest in FMH and only try to question Dr.Dan in a negative way. I too have seen the hospital, its staff and its service be on downhill slide for the last 16+ years. It doesn't take a "rocket" scientist to realize this is in direct correlation to Mr.Hanson's tenure as CEO. I have nothing personally against him as a man but as a leader I do. You simply can't do the job we want to do with inadequate supplies and most of all staff. I pray for Floyd as it was a great place for me to work for so many years and I have dear friends that are still employed. I believe Dr.Dan truly wants the best for Floyd. Lets work together and hope for the best.

3/24/2007 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Employees do have a voice.The voice is thu Dr.Dan.I agree with one of the anonymous blogers who stated we can't identify our self on here.The more I read the more I'm inclined to think it is adminstration putting out the negative comments.Support Dan,read something negative.I don't believe that a doctor wrote the earlier comments about him being an embarassment to them. Anybody can imply they are a doctor.In the surgery dept.our docs are writlng in Dan's defense everyday.The statement says ask around,why would a real doctor not give his name?What will he have to loose?Why would anybody in his postion be worried?Big BAD DAN going to get you? This is not a quote,I bet from a doctor.

3/25/2007 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the anonymous commenter who wrote: "I too have seen the hospital, its staff and its service be on downhill slide for the last 16+ years."

Either you have a severe problem with sensory perception or you think that nothing in the world is ever supposed to change. Our hospital is a far more professional and state-of-the-art facility than it was 15 years ago. The healtcare environment overall has become much more difficult during that period, but Floyd has nothing to apologize for and much to be proud of.

Negative people can always find something to whine about--the hospital (and everything else in the world is not a perfect place. But Flody is a first class facility providing excellent care.

3/25/2007 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding adonymous 5:46 pm you are joking, I am have worked during this period and a lot longer, and it has gone down hill.

3/25/2007 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anony 5:46p.m., I too am proud of the facility and worked there with pride for many, many years but it is not anything like it once was. We work hard and do provide excellent care but we have lost first class help to other facilities because of our administration and its seemingly lack of concern for the staff. We don't have the supplies or the staff that we should have but I guess you wouldn't know that because I am sure you either do not or have not worked there or are a member of administration. I am not being negative I am just being honest.

3/25/2007 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Floyd is a much different place that it was 15 years ago. We have a Joslin Center, an outpatient surgery center, an education center whose focus in on HCI (healthier community initiative), a renovated (and soon to be renovated again) OB unit, an open heart program, an outpatient cardiovascular center - now the post cath patients without intervention can go there and be discharged as opposed to going to a a bed on a nursing unit (to those who will respond to this string, or another complaining about diversion). Also our emergency department was renovated, not once, but twice in the past 15 years, and added additional physicians board certified in emergency medicine. The anesthesia group has grown and added board certified anesthesiologists to an experienced, long-tenured group. Many active and courtesy (physician) staff have been added; expanding in specialties where Floyd previously had ONE physician many years ago - pulmonologists - just as one example. ENT is another, bringing fresh and updated skills to offer patients. Hospitalists are another. Patients now have a choice in many specialties. There has been growth in the number of cardiologist on staff. Floyd has also remained competitive in terms of salary and benefits. Some may argue that hospital 123 in Louisville pays a certain amount per hour higher for their comparative job. Leave. Goodbye. Go to Louisville and pay $10 per pay period for parking, plus gas. How nice for you to complain about what you are missing out on from the comfort of your office when you've known no other setting for so many years.
The campus at Floyd is healthier also, with the no-smoking stance it has taken. Many other areas across the county, including city-wide bans on smoking have been in effect for a long time now. What a welcome change. This change would not have taken place without visionary leadership. There is much to be proud of what has transpired over the last decade or so.

So, it is apparent now that the hospital is having financial difficulty. Steps have been taken (well one step) to remove one of the financial leaders. Steps continue to be taken with the cooperation of leadership, commissioners, and the board to get a full and accurate understanding of the financial picture from an outside expert opionion. Soon the hospital will have a new CFO and the organization can move forward.
Yes, I agree, the person and people at the top should be held accountable and responsible - responsible for all the successes over the past 15 years, and
accountable for the situation today.

Everyone has, and is entitiled to their own opinion, and entitled to discuss "how we got here".
That is the beauty of our country.

However, part of the organization moving forward is to recognize that building a new building was "easy". Changing the culture is not. Things are not always going to be the way it was 20 years ago. Cooperation and consensus will move the organization forward. Consensus and cooperation is not apparent in one family practice MD from the "Knobs" who seeks out disgruntled employees to hear and publish any tidbit of bad news, spreads rumors, and is far from cohesive himself. Bringing light to issues is appreciated and informative. Mud-slinging from a physician in such a visible position is not positive. You have a very vocal voice, HB, consider using your influence in a positive manner. What would you have to say if the hospital was operating at a 4.6% margin, there were several joint ventures with physicians, operations was running smoothly (some areas are not now), you continued to have free meals at the hospital (quite common at all hospitals), new physciains coming on board, leadership you "liked", and evident and continued growth of the organization?

What would you post on this blog then?

3/25/2007 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read with amazement HB's posting with regards to his vast knowledge and interpertation of the teachings of the Bible. It is too bad that he doesn't find it necessary to practice what he so aptly preaches.

3/26/2007 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Anonymous 12:18, I think HB is very strict in following biblical practices...the practices of a Pharisee, defined as "A hypocritically self-righteous person."

3/26/2007 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last two comment have crossed the line. I have known Dr.Dan for many years and a hypocrite or Pharisee he is not. His concern for family, neighbor, patient and hospital is genuine. I was a previous employee at Floyd for 17+ years and left on my own free will because of the lies, deceit of the present administration that is responsible for the present distrust between it and physicians and hospital staff. It is a pity that some of you can not see that this administration is the source of the problem. This administration has been the poorist example of CARE principles and leadership in general. There IS no trust left. I commend those associates that have decided to stay and make a difference. Thank you Dr. Dan for staying the course. Keep your head up high!

3/26/2007 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the last one who posted a note. There is no excuse for rudeness.

And to those who reduce themselves to name calling tactics, I ask, what is your objective? If you want a logical argument, then stick to the facts. No one can then win an argument against you.

As I have said before...when all else fails, attack the person.

I have seen it happen often. When an argument is reduced to personal attacks upon an individual, it usually means there is no legitimate argument. If there were a legitimate argument, the petty, snide remarks wouldn't be necessary.

Think about it.

3/26/2007 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Anonymous 1:29 who wrote: "As I have said before...when all else fails, attack the person."

If you like, I will recopy a dozen or so of the intensely personal comments that HB has made about individuals in hospital management, some board members and county commissioners. You can't have it both ways.

As for the two commenters above who question HB's intentions and integrity, I think they are right on target. At some point, a person becomes so divisive, so negative and such a pain in the community fanny that he, himself, becomes the issue. In my opinion, that is the case with Dan Eichenberger. He ignores all the wonderful things that have happened at Floyd Memorial over the past 15 years and focuses only on what is not yet perfect. If he found a dust bunny in a corner of a supply room, he would see that as one more proof that management needs to be replaced. He is a walking morale bomb who attracts malcontents and poor performers like a Pied Piper in a doctor's smock. The board should seriously consider restricting his activity at the hospital to seeing and caring for his patients. He has no business interfering with department and hospital management by planting dissension among gullible staff members. It is time for him to get out of the way and let the professionals do their jobs.

3/26/2007 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:19 is absolutely right. I couldn't say it any better.

3/26/2007 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last two postings, guys get a gripe. Dr.Dan does not seek individuals out but he is there to listen. Listen to those who otherwise would not have a voice. You don't really think that anyone from administration really listens to most of the staff. Oh but I forgot you probably are administration. You couldn't possibly be someone on the staff that really knows how it feels to be underappreciated with no voice. Certainly Floyd has grown a lot over the years and new services have been added but folks we are working with too little staff and too few supplies. Get off Dr.Dan's back and let us vent as that is the whole idea of this blog.

3/26/2007 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who wrote: "Dr.Dan does not seek individuals out but he is there to listen."

You must be blind and deaf. He constantly asks "leading" questions trying to get employees to say negative things. He undermines supervisors by convincing poor performers that it isn't their own performance that is causing their problems, but the mean old supervisor, or director or vice president or CEO. And he hides it all under the guise of being the employees' best friend. He is the answer to the classic question: "Whatever became of Eddie Haskell when he grew up?"

3/26/2007 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is insane. The attacks where they shouldn't be relative to Dr. Dan. The issues at Floyd from the inside are so explosive, one would shake their head at the goings on. There is an enormous amount of inconsistencies at hand. He realizes this and is just trying to allow the happenings to be exposed. I have asked my Director if I can work from home as the staff of previous CFO employees are allowed to do and am at a dead end even though there has been no explanation. They even get their internet paid and the transciption and coding people get their service paid for. I know Kathy Brown is working from home and she is a secretary. I asked Mark Truman through email why she gets this advantage and he didn't respond. He didn't respond to other co-workers questions though so guess he doesn't know how to use e-mail since he has a bad reputation. Why is that Kathy Brown working from home if she is a secretary?

3/28/2007 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:42 is a perfect example of what Anonymous 11:37 was saying. 12:42's director apparently declined to offer work-at-home arrangement so...12:42 jumps to the conclusion that this is one of the "enormous amount of inconsistencies at hand."

I know nothing of this specific situation, but I would bet that 12:42 WAS given a reason but wasn't listening to an answer he/she didn't like. This is a pretty typical example of the kind of people HB attracts.

3/28/2007 06:35:00 AM  
Blogger Kathy Brown said...

Anonymous 12:42 poster - I am Kathy Brown and would like to share a few facts with you. I do not work from home and I am not classified as a secretary. Your information is over 2 years old. I did work from home for 2 1/2 years but have been back in the office for nearly 2 years. I was asked to work from home and it worked out well for everyone involved. I was brought back to the office due to another associate complaining/whining because their Director wouldn't allow them to work from home. My office is located in Radiology and I invite you to visit for a little chat. Perhaps you were that whining associate.

3/28/2007 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor performers? Causing their own problems? Does this mean we actually DO reap what we sow? Hmm...who knew.

3/28/2007 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would allow a department secretary to work from home?

Some jobs are work at home jobs.
Some jobs are not. Until you understand the functions of those employees who work at home, and
the standard practices in their particular fields, you are nothing but ill-informed.
Stop complaining. Or go work elsewhere - both of you.

Floyd is a good place with good associates and physicians, and the hospital and patients do not need your negativity or bickering. All the employees at Floyd are supposed to be on the same team.

Maybe you should go across the river and get a job, say at a larger hospital or Fortune 500 corporation. Here are some directions: You can get their either by 65 south or 64 west.
See if you can enjoy the same (very) casual atmosphere you have enjoyed at Floyd where you have the courage to email a Vice President and complain about why you can't work from home, without any repercussions from your boss or the human resources department. See how long that practice lasts - or how long you would last. Good luck.

3/28/2007 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save the preaching for the pulpit on Sundays.

3/28/2007 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Anon 7:26, taking 64 west from New Albany would not bring you to a hospital for quite a while. Apparently, giving directions is not an area of expertise for you--in more ways than one.

3/28/2007 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is too a hospital off of 64 west, harrison county, if you want to call it a hospital.

3/29/2007 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To ANON 1242... I am a FMH employee. You should get your facts straight before you blast someones name on this blog. Kathy is a good hardworking associate who gets her job done and then some. Maybe Truman didn't respond to your email because he is not supposed to discuss other employees information with you. Perhaps your position does not allow working from home. Maybe your director feels you are not the work at home type. If you are that unhappy with working onsite the job board had postings for transcription.

3/30/2007 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THis is to Kathy Brown,Honey,you are lucky that where you work is an only issue for people who have no life of their own!Some of us have to worry with an associate that wants to know what we do on break,what we do for 8 hours of the day,and who will we be talking to when we leave Floyd.You are a vary valuable associate,but the trouble makers have to make a life attempting to use us as their lively hood.It is a sad situation,but what can we do?Ijust want you to know that most of our perception is you are awesome Associate and I'm sure if you could you would tell whoever's up in your business to go fly a kite.Hang in there,we love ya!! You do an excellent job.

3/30/2007 01:21:00 AM  

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