Thursday, March 08, 2007

Open discussion on hospital

It seems as though some readers are getting discouraged about the current topics being discussed.

I did say I would give the new Chairman and Board some time to formulate and implement a plan to rectify the current situation at Floyd. Many people are getting discouraged by the lack of definable action related to the $11.5 million dollar fiasco. All they see is more cuts and no plan for anything different.

The external audit has yet to be started and therefore we know little else of what will be found and how far back the problems go.

What we do know is that more cuts are being made and staffing is becoming an even bigger problem.

Morale is a major concern, turnover appears to be increasing and discontent is growing.

If this financial problem goes without someone being held accountable, more turmoil will arise as employees will lose any sliver of hope left that the things wrong in the organization are not addressed.

Open forum for discussion and comments.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I did say I would give the new Chairman and Board some time to formulate and implement a plan to rectify the current situation at Floyd."

How generous of you to allow him to do his job properly and responsibly...until you don't like the outcome. Then what? Will you attack him the way you have attacked the honesty and competence of every other single hospital or government official with whom you disagree?

3/08/2007 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, it seems as though there is a growing contention of people who want to make you the issue. I am grateful that there are people such as yourself who promote accountability, especially from those whom run institutions who are responsible for providing services to the community.
I'm sure you wouldn't attack the 'honesty and competence' of any official - providing they exhibit any of those characteristics.

3/08/2007 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 07:27 is correct. Pointing the finger at HB is not appropriate. It makes you and this administration look that much more incompentant.

The CEO should absolutely be terminated for the 11.5 million dollar mess that will cost employees their jobs and livelihoods.

Accountability is the issue. Everyone should be screaming. HB has been more than lenient and not overly critical in these first two months.

But if there is not a definitive step taken, there will be an outcry by many more people.

Fire the CEO and if there are others covering up this mess, fire them too.

Nothing wrong with a good "spring cleaning"

3/08/2007 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2007 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB is not the issue. For me, the issue is the lack of updates after a post that cast a haze over the board meeting last week. This is the first post about the hospital since last Tuesday. Why the lack of updates? If you're going to blast the administration of the hospital, you should explain what they do in response. And if you say things like you're sure the board will make the right decision, you should explain what the right decision is and what the board actually did.

For anon 7:27, the honesty and competence of every official involved with the hospital has been an issue on this blog since its inception. Wake up.

Accountability is a 2-way street. Some people clearly don't understand this.

3/08/2007 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An "issue" in HB's mind is not the same as a legitimate issue. He lives in a world of his own.

3/08/2007 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you all going to wake up to reality and see the hospital is failing because of its leadership.

Stop acting as if Dr. Dan is the problem.

He continues to bring these things to the forefront and none of you have ever addressed the 11.5 million dollar error and incompentence.

Either address the issue or keep the personal attacks on diogenstrainee blog.

3/08/2007 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patient account collections have been an ongoing problem at Floyd. That has been publicly known by people on the business-office side of things in the local medical community for many years.

As far as accounting for it and how it was let to affect the financials in such a significant way is another question. Was someone, or someone(s) asleep at the switch, or was it done intentionally to prop up the diminished operating results caused by problems with the expansion project?

3/08/2007 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or was it done so they continued to get their bonuses at the end of each year.

Remind me how many thousands the CEO recieved each year in bonuses based on false numbers

3/08/2007 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard another horror story about the billing practices at FMH. My elderly sister had surgery there about 6 weeks ago and got a bill from FMH for about $300 saying her secondary insurance did not pay that part of her deductible. Being the conscientious person she is, she turned right around and wrote FMH a check. When her thing from Medicare and her secondary arrived saying she did not owe anything I told her I would call FMH for her. Come to find out, FMH did not "adjust" the amount as they should have because they have a contractual agreement with the secondary insurance company and apparently, no one would have caught this had I not called and inquired. She said it would have just remained as is, not showing a credit and not showing that a refund is due. Makes you wonder how many other of our seniors, who are reluctant to call and inquire, they may be doing the same to.

3/08/2007 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:32 wrote: "The CEO should absolutely be terminated for the 11.5 million dollar mess that will cost employees their jobs and livelihoods"

My question is just what is this conclusion based on? Have you been part of the hospital board investigating what happened? Do you have some inside information to prove that the CEO was aware of what the CFO was doing? Do you believe that the current board and board chair are incapable of handling this properly without a bunch of vigilantes running around with a rope?

3/08/2007 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB: As a medical doctor schooled in the rigors of the scientific method, I am curious as to what the following comment is based upon: "Morale is a major concern, turnover appears to be increasing and discontent is growing." Have you conducted a study that demonstrates that discontent is growing? What does it mean when you say that turnover "APPEARS" to be increasing? Have you any proof of this or is this just another example of your habit of shooting from the hip with anything negative you can think of? Just what is it that you think the board should be doing that it is not doing? I can't imagine that they wouldn't want your advice on how to proceed.

3/08/2007 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Dan is correct on all the statements. It doesn't take a scientific study or a 20 thousand dollar consultant to tell you these things.

He along with some other Board members who care, actually talk with staff, directors and managers.

3/08/2007 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That 11.5 million is just a balance sheet problem. That's why accountant's use pencils with erasers on them.

3/08/2007 05:43:00 PM  
Blogger lawguy said...

I want to keep discussing the free donuts in the physician lounge, but apparently, that topic is old news. Sigh....

3/08/2007 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

free donuts? great.
I would like to ask the administration why they think 1 aide and 2 nurses can take care of 16 very sick people and their families who are expecting the best of care for their loved ones? instead of free donuts maybe they could throw a bone to the nursing staff. they work like dogs on a daily basis.

by the way dr. dan is right about the poor moral and high turnover.

3/08/2007 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding pronouncements about "high turnover." OK, just what are the turnover statistics? What are they compared to the same period in previous years? What are they compared to other hospitals in the area? What are they PERIOD?? If you are so sure they are high, then prove that you know what you are talking about. Dr. Dan (the Oracle Man) and his supporters sure make a lot of charges that are based on emotion and speculation. How about sticking to FACTS instead of partisan hip shots? These are tough days for our hospital and having idiots run around throwing gasoline on the flames isn't especially helpful.

3/08/2007 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see we have some individuals still not admitting any problems and continually attacking the messengers.

This is why we are in the situation currently.

No accountability and no responsibility.

You cannot explain away an 11.5 million dollar error with an accounting pencil.

If that were so, why are there such drastic cuts going on and why are people fearful of losing their jobs?

It is way past time for a change.

3/09/2007 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A change was made, the CFO.

3/09/2007 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course there is a financial challenge at the hospital. However, I am taking the board chairman at his word and am NOT jumping to other conclusions based purely on speculation or a desire to see a specific individual punished for this, or ANY, transgression.

As for "accountability and responsibility", how about modeling the way by NOT throwing out unsupported, speculative comments such as "it appears" that turnover is increasing unless you have hard evidence that it is true. The consequences of dealing with the financial issue are serious enough without unhelpful rabble-rousing by a doctor who was on a board that should have put better audit procedures in place.

3/09/2007 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I finish rounds this morning at the hospital, I am reminded once again by the staff of why it is so important to continue holding people accountable.

Things are getting worse, we are on diversion again, and there is no end in site because of the administrative failures.

My perspective comes from personal experience of making rounds every day and interacting with the staff every day.

I sit in meetings several times a month including Medical Exec., Credentials, Board meetings, Joslin, and Medical care.

I have first hand knowledge and experience unlike those few critics who comment here.

Until one of these critics actually presents some factual information refuting statements presented here, I will not be deterred in pointing out the deficiencies.

In order to do this, these critics would risk revealing their identity and also place themselves in a position of trying to defend the indefensible.

Don’t hold your breath for that to happen.

3/09/2007 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... know for a FACT that turnover is increasing? Prove it! I don't think walking around is a really good way of determining turnover rates--although it is probably sufficient for rumor mongers.

You lavished praise on the new chairman when he was appointed. Now you are implying that he is dragging his feet on the issue of accountablitity and that no proper planning is taking place other than staff changes. I'll bet the chairman and other board members really appreciate your negative, accusatory comments while they are trying to deal with this issue.

3/09/2007 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB: you wrote "Things are getting worse, we are on diversion again, and there is no end in site because of the administrative failures."

Since news reports have indicated that virtually every hospital in our region uses diversion to balance patient loads at various times, it seems like a stretch to automatically assume that everytime Floyd is on diversion it is a result of "administrative failures."

Did you ever think that while you are making rounds, you might project a positive, "we'll get throught this" type of attitude rather than displaying a "the sky is falling and we are all going to die" attitude? Why are you such a negative influence on the staff?

3/09/2007 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody notice that Mr. Miles is responding to the situation on the hospital's web site? See the "Chairman's Corner"

3/09/2007 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody notice that Mr. Miles is responding to the situation on the hospital's web site? See the "Chairman's Corner"

Thank you for that information. Positive changes seem to be in motion. I don't want to start more "the sky is falling rumors",(aren't we all tired of it) but I wonder how they were able to reduce the 07 budget by 2.3% without effecting patient care and staffing?

3/09/2007 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"there is no end in site"

Are you kidding? Obviously this should be spelled "sight." It is because of idiots like you that the hospital is in trouble. You can't write, and the hospital can't add or subtract. No wonder you're all in trouble...

3/09/2007 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure Mr. Miles is a nice person and as Chairman, he cannot outwardly state the real problems.

His comment:
"After accounting for the necessary increase in reserves for bad debt, we have been able to make a reduction in the revised 2007 budgeted operating expenses of 2.3 percent without affecting staffing levels, and most importantly, without affecting patient care."

This is just flat out misrepresenting the truth. Staffing has been affected and patient care is absolutely affected. He needs to spend a day on the floor with the staff.

His job is to promote the hospital and he is doing a good job. But the truth is still something that cannot be altered no matter how you fluff it up.

3/09/2007 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding: "Are you kidding? Obviously this should be spelled "sight." It is because of idiots like you that the hospital is in trouble."

I am not sure who you are calling an idiot, but that spelling was cut and pasted from HB's original comment. It was his spelling error.

3/09/2007 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr Dan you confuse me when you use the same facts to make completely different points. A month or so ago you wrote: "Diversion issues continue to hamper all the local hospitals and are anticipated to worsen as the weather changes and the winter illnesses arrive."

Now, today, suddenly diversion is not a common thing everywhere but something uniquely wrong at Floyd ("Things are getting worse, we are on diversion again").

I am really disappointed that you aren't helping to shore up morale during a scary time for employees. For some reason you seem to think it is better to paint the worst possible picture and increase the concerns that employees are experiencing. I often wonder why you seem to spend more time on your rounds taking the "temperature" of the employees instead of your patients.

3/09/2007 04:46:00 PM  
Blogger Goldie said...

Well it seems the stink has finally hit the fan and all I can say is about time and what took so long? HB is not in the dark about anything at anytime so please do not let him snow you guys. Meetings and reports are done weekly and monthly by Finance and all the directors and HB is not a snooze dog. He didn't get the job he has not know how to read a spreadsheet! I can tell you for a fact that on many occasions it was requested by the business office that accounting practices be changed and we were denied at every attempt. All programs had to have interfaces written and special programs designed to redo everything just because one person wanted it done 'his' way. Evidently, his way doesn't work like he thought it would. hmmmm....
And for the lady with the business office boo boo, that is an honest posting error just because of the mess listed above. No one can catch them all. Patients do need to be diligent in their bills just like their healthcare! Less staff in all area's does create more errors.

3/09/2007 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know..anonymous 3/8/07 07:09am You are a smart mouth. Why can't you just let it be. First people say they want to open the discussion then when health blogger does you have to throw comments like that. I don't get it.

3/09/2007 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

once again we see that budget cuts cut the staff who provide real services to our customers.
why not get rid of some fluff at the top?

3/09/2007 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staffing is an issue. Check out the lab for example. They have lost 5-6 people in the last few weeks. Morale is very poor. Why else would these people be leaving? Not many people trust administration. Things are pretty cushy over there. You know all this is sad to see because I think Floyd is losing the hometown feel very quickly. People aren't seeing the types of things going on that once made them want to work at Floyd, even though they say we are one of the best 10 hospitals or whatever

3/09/2007 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goldie your post was difficult to understand, but clearly you speak as if you are from a certain department in the hospital.
It is always someone else's fault, another department's fault, a patient's fault, and the pointing fingers goes on and on and on. Have you ever heard of accountability?
Also a common practice is when situations are blamed on the 'person that just left' it is NEVER the fault of those left behind.....even three months later with haphazard processes that continue. Or are these just "honest...errors" also?

3/09/2007 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as I read these comments, it is sure with a heavy heart as I do remember when the staff was happy and we were staffed adequately. It has not been that long ago say 10 years or so. I have retired from the facility but I have many memories of a place where the patients got good care no they got exceptional care. We respected the doctors and I believe they respected us. It surely does appear that the ball has been dropped and you know as well as I know someone needs to be held accountable. I personally believe Mr. Hanson needs to retire and let someone else lead our facility. Since he has been there these last nearly 17 years, morale has declined, respect for the administration has declined and I am afraid our position as a good hospital is going to be affected if it has not already been. So Mr. Hanson give it up -- your time is over and the hospital needs a new leader. We need someone who can get us out of negative and into the postive in more ways than just financial. I have always respected Dr.Dan for the fine man and good doctor that he is and I believe he sincerely cares about Floyd. So as I am now an onlooker, I only pray for and wish for the very best for Floyd. Let's all get behind our hospital and stop the negativity.

3/10/2007 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staff have been told that 3A (Skilled unit) is shutting down with no guarantees for the staff. It also looks like the Joslin Center contract is going to be desolved. Meantime, Norton's healthcare has elected to desolve Community Medical associates possibly meaning the loss of 3 practicing physicians at Floyd and "In-House" infection rates are on the rise (beginning to look more like Jewish). Former staff members who are concerned for friends and relatives that still affiliate with Floyd are being advised of a better opportunity on the horizon. There ARE other alternatives.

3/11/2007 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My,my I hope this 11.5 million dollar mess that will cost employees their jobs and livelihoods did not occur when Dr. Dan was on the board. I would hate to think that he missed something so important.

3/12/2007 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who died and put HB in charge of FMH????" Maybe he should be added to the payroll if he wants to be in charge.

3/12/2007 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it seems as though poster 3/12/2007 12:19:00AM & 12:21:00AM have just arrived home from their usual shift(s) at Floyd. Because they can't actually post a positive position or solution to the FMH mess, they'll just get on and bash Dr. Dan.
In case you guys are interested, it seems as though some directors of the hospital have misrepresented the Board and the rest of the community by 'cooking the books' at Floyd.
You didn't see the Board members at Enron get prosecuted or die of heart attacks - no, it is those who actually do the crime, who must do the time. If you want to hold someone accountable, hold those who did wrong. Dan is no more responsible for this mess than you are, or any of the other Board members.

3/12/2007 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is little difference in people....the little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. " When HB makes his rounds, his reputation is following him, therefore he attracts all the negative nay-sayers. I would make an educated guess that the positive employees don't give him the time of day.

3/12/2007 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not trying to be negative or to bash Dr. Eichenberger, but I have never been a big fan of his. Having said that however; I find myself agreeing with him more and more.

Patient care is suffering. Employee Morale is down. Turnover is up, it's like watching rats jumping off a sinking ship. People are tired of working short and working extra. Why not go somewhere else and make more money doing less work?

I have always supported FMH and have loved working here, even when I worked other places I always worked at FMH. It was like being at home, but now that feeling is gone. I no longer feel appreciated, instead I feel expendable.

It is time for some drastic changes and they need to start at the top, not at the bottom. It is time for Mr. Hanson and Ms. Quilman and some of the others to retire. They have served their time and done their job, but it is time to move on.

3/14/2007 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding: "Why not go somewhere else and make more money doing less work?"

Be sure and let us all know where that is.

3/15/2007 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Dr. Dan was so interested in keeping the hospital afloat, him and his cronies would make sure that FMHHS recieved all of their outpatient services, and not send them to a competitor.

Why is this important? ask your directors... outpatient services is what keeps the hospital afloat

4/14/2007 12:31:00 AM  

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