Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Obama

Congratulations to Barack Obama and all his supporters!

It was a tough campaign and the people have spoken. As a conservative republican I congratulate him and certainly will support him as our Commander and
Chief even though he was not my choice.

My hope is that President Obama can truly become the more moderate person he has tried to portray himself as and not the individual that his voting record and his history has shown him to be thus far.

I hope the change he has promised will be a change for the betterment of this great country.

Once again, congratulations to President Obama.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nice HB, I too hope he can lead in a more moderate way than his record shows.

11/05/2008 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I question those out there who call themselves conservative. We, I consider myself a true conservative, have backed a president that took away liberty, ( Patriot Act, Habeous Corpus, Torture Prisoners with waterboarding ), we are pro-life but it's okay to invade a sovereign nation and bomb and kill people who have not attacked us. 9/11 was totally a Saudi Arabian affair but we did not invade them because they own us financially due to our addiction to their oil. Augustine laid out centuries ago the theory of a just war and this Iraq debacle does not fit it at all. A " Christian " nation does not just protect life just at the fetus level! A " Christian " leader does not spend the nation he has stewardship over into oblivion. True conservatism believes in small government, maximal liberty for the individual, low taxes, LOW spending and a sound understanding of the monetary system, which few have Republican and Democrat. So the neo-conservatives that have ruled for 8 years have earned Obama for this nation. I suspect he will be a Jimmy Carter and have a very difficult time due to the economic problems that lay before him and a very poor idea on how to rid ourselves of the national debt and the instant creator of inflation, The Federal Reserve, who prints money out of thin air and provides our country with the ultimate credit card. Until those issues are addressed we will to continue to suffer and merely tread water with the economic situatation. David Walker the ex Comptroller General of the GAO, appointed by Clinton and kept by Bush, has stated that by 2040 our national budget will equal our current budget with the cost of SSI and Medicare alone. None of the GOP or Dems have even attempted to address that issue and it slowly and inexorably is coming.

11/05/2008 08:48:00 AM  
Blogger lawguy said...

Nice post, HB. And I say that not as part of the victors, but as a friend and colleague despite our vast political differences. Today is not the time to debate and rattle - its a time to heal, mend and move forward as a nation.

I thought John McCain's concession speech was incredibly gracious last night, and truly impressive. If he will put forth the efforts to continue leading from "across the aisle", he will continue to do great things for the country. I applauded his conciliatory words and efforts to heal the post-election divide. He said all the right things, and gained my respect in so doing.

I can admit that I sat and watched Obama's speech with tears in my eyes. I'm sure many folks will heckle and say they cried too for other reasons, but I found it very moving. I have great hope - such tremendous hope - that he will truly be an instrument of change. Our nation needs it, and the world needs it too. I believe him when he says that he would work to earn the respect of those who did not vote for him.

There is no question that Obama has his work cut out for him. The task ahead is so huge, it must be daunting. If he fails to deliver change and uplift our nation, then I will be among the first to suggest that others need to replace him at the end of his term. But for now, I hope and pray that this man can deliver what this country needs to again find the American dream.

For my own economic reasons, I probably should have voted McCain - increased taxes will certainly cost me more money. However, for my kids sake - and for that of future generations, I believe that Obama will begin to put our fractured country back together again. For my sake, for all of your sakes - for our nation's sake, I pray he can do it.

There is so much to be done, but I was very excited about our president and proud to have him as our next leader.

11/05/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

For my own economic reasons, I probably should have voted McCain - increased taxes will certainly cost me more money. However, for my kids sake - and for that of future generations, I believe that Obama will begin to put our fractured country back together again.


John McCain was indeed gracious in defeat. So is HB. I'll be thinking today about Abraham Lincoln, my favorite Republican president ever.

11/05/2008 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

Nice, HB.


11/05/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger Jake said...

First off,
Congratulations to President-Elect Obama and it is truly a tragedy his grandmother wasn't alive to see it. By my view, McCain had a fantastic concession speech, and Obama had a great victory speech.

Someone today told me that Tom Brokaw made an off-the-cuff remark about Barack Obama and family getting prepared to move into government housing. I did some google searching and didn't find anything, but was wondering if anyone was watching NBC last night? It would be a funny joke coming from someone other than Brokaw I think.

Thirdly and finally, was anyone a little put off by media workers crying? Perhaps I was being insensitive? Perhaps I have an unrealistic expectation for separation of news and newspeople?

11/05/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

Not sure that bringing up "separation" is the right thing for you to do.(VBG)

I'm old and fell asleep, so I did not witness any crying by media workers. Could you explain a with a little more detail?

11/05/2008 04:22:00 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Irony is completely acceptable and was intended. I appreciate humor in just about all forms.

What I meant was that the some of the people who had been doing the reporting on CNN began crying after the election had been called. They were usually the same ones that were saying everyone in America would remember what they were doing the night Barack Obama was elected president.

11/05/2008 05:13:00 PM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

I figured your irony was intentional, that's why I picked up on it. Perhaps we could become the a great comedy team, like Burns and Allen.

Cassidy and Eichenberger? Eichenberger and Cassidy?

Guess not!

11/06/2008 08:17:00 AM  

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