Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spread the Wealth

Yes, Obama does believe that redistribution of wealth should be the policy of the country.

This form of socialism is the most radical philosophy that any presidential candidate in recent memory has ever advocated.

Obama’s plans will eliminate the initiative and drive of individuals that have made this country great. His policies will provide more handouts to individuals who do not want to work hard, take risks, or invest in their own futures. Obama’s political philosophies will create a more dependent society that believes they are entitled to more and more without any personal responsibility.

In his own words: YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered

Obama’s comment to Joe “the plumber” was not a slip of the tongue. It was an indication of what his radical beliefs really are and the media was fortunately not able to suppress the information as they have with so many other issues.

Our country and our government should take care of those who cannot care for themselves, but this is a very small percentage of the population.

Obama is an unaccomplished socialist ideologue who has been propped up by the media elite in an effort to hide the truth.

The new Obama mantra will read:

Ask not what your country can do for you; DEMAND IT!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is a radical and still believes the government owes reparation to all blacks.

No thank you; I'd like to keep the money I work hard to earn

10/28/2008 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

Are most conservatives around here cowards? Ever notice that most liberal posters(again, around here)don't hide behind "anonymous"? Kudos to HB and his family for being brave enough to stand up for what they believe.

Is that check, that you work so hard for, made out to "anonymous"?


10/28/2008 09:26:00 AM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

Obama is an unaccomplished socialist ideologue who has been propped up by the media elite in an effort to hide the truth.

Shrug. All this concern over what amounts to an earnestness to provide some semblance of equal opportunity in a place that needs it. It's another variation of the "they're poor because they choose to be" hokum.

Whoa -- who's the Darwinist now?

Okay, doc, I can be just as moronic as you: John McCain is a serial womanizer (with some impressively poor taste in women, especially running mates, but what the hell, they all look better at closing time after a few dozen Buds, eh?) with an itchy trigger finger who'll start wars, prop up the rich and and throw reproductive freedom advocates into the bowels of Gitmo, a place he formerly opposed, unitl it became expedient to appease the Fascist bloc in American thought.

There. It's ludicrous, but it matches the mood, don't you think?

I'll repeat what I asked yesterday: What do you think of anger management counseling? Is it the stuff of liberal conspiracy, or do you really think it works -- assuming, of course, that the physician is capable of healing himself.

Formerly, "NA Health." Now, "NA Straw Man Bashing."

10/28/2008 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger Jeff Gillenwater said...

I'm not sure what it says about someone's character that they choose to post "radically" edited interview snippets that purposely mislead voters, but those interested in real knowledge and understanding can listen to the entire interview and others in their full context here on WBEZ's web site:

Barack Obama's Radio Days

Ben Calhoun of Chicago Public Radio had this to say:

The clips are taken from an interview that aired in January of 2001. Then State Senator Obama is one of three legal scholars interviewed for a show about civil rights. Over the weekend, someone pulled excerpts of the show and posted them to You Tube—and today, the posting caught fire on political blogs, the Drudge Report, and Fox News.

The 4 minute spliced collection of clips portrays Obama as advocating a redistribution of wealth through the power of the Supreme Court. That folds in with some allegations by the McCain Palin campaign.

The twist here is that, when heard in the context of the whole show, Obama’s position is distinctly misrepresented by the You Tube posting. Taken in context, Obama is evaluating the historical successes and failures of the Civil Rights movement—and, ironically, he says the Supreme Court was a failure in cases that it took on a role of redistributing resources.

The McCain campaign told ABC News it plans to use the material to bolster its criticism of Obama.

10/28/2008 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There using the information because it highlights the radical views that Obama holds.

Redistributing wealth and Socialism never work long term. Check your history.

The opportunities for success are available to anyone with the fortitude to work hard and take personal responsibility.

Government handouts are not the answer for this great nation

10/28/2008 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama and the Democrats do not feel compelled to illustrate the merits of his policies, for example, how raising taxes will affect an econcomy already in a recession. Their assertion is that change is what is needed -- regardless of what that change actually entails. Unfortunately, people are believing his generalizations, half-truths and lawyer-speak.

10/28/2008 01:01:00 PM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

Obama and the Democrats do not feel compelled to illustrate the merits of his policies.

Well, HB and the anonymites do not feel compelled to illustrate the merits of McCain's policies, either. It's just more of the same idiotic culture war.

10/28/2008 02:17:00 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Take a look at what you have written today. You don't need HB's stamp of approval for anger management counseling, just try it out and if it works, good for you!
In your first post you start off by trivializing the redistribution of wealth. If you believe in that sort of thing, I know the perfect candidate for you.
Chase that down with some "straw man" of your own.
Follow up with a personal attack, a description of president Clinton, and a slippery slope.
Project anger issues onto HB, make a bad joke.

Wait a few hours and top it off with a "Well he started it!"

Not up to par with your usual caliber.

10/28/2008 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will finish this week with more reasons not to vote for Obama and Monday I will list all the reasons I plan to vote for McCain.

As stated about 2 weeks ago, the media bias is slanted so much towards Obama that many people never get to hear the other side.

I am doing my small part to bring balance and clarity.

10/28/2008 03:55:00 PM  
Blogger Jeff Gillenwater said...

The sad part is, I think he believes himself.

10/28/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not see why more people will not bring up the word "Marxism." Obama is hiding under the veil of "change" while people are refusing to believe that his changes are the views of a socialist government. How far we have strayed from the views of our Founding Fathers.

10/28/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the sadder issue is that bluegill cannot see past his own elitism and admit the bias and one-sided viewpoint that is presented by the media

10/28/2008 08:52:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bluegill- Even without the radio clip from 2001, I still think there is enough evidence to label Senator Obama as a Marxist in relation to his economic plans.

There is the "joe the plumber" incident where Senator Obama said he wanted to "spread around the wealth." The fact are that if you read the Communist Manifesto, the entire basis is class equality and the best way of bringing this around is economic equality. This is completely opposite of a capitalist or free market enterprise where people earn what they work for.

Anytime someone begins spreading someone else's wealth around, you hinder both productivity and the profit motives of the workers.

"I am not asking for social equality, because no such thing exists, but I am asking for equality of opportunity for all human beings, and, as long as I stay here, I am going to continue that fight."- President Harry S Truman (1948)

10/28/2008 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the spread the wealth philosophy would work better, if we could somehow get to the weathly folks off shore accounts.

10/30/2008 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what party that you're affiliated with, you've got admit that a lot of people in America are overpaid and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt the Richard Fuld's of the world to pay a little more tax on his palry salary of 484 million last year.

Secondly, it always amazes me when these guys are interviewed and they discuss the current grim economic situation and how jobs will be lost, but they never seem to mention that a reduction in their compensation might be a way to reduce costs also.

10/31/2008 08:51:00 AM  

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