Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 1-shot myth

Here’s another example of what the drug companies told us initially has proven to be inaccurate and this comes as no surprise to most physicians.

The Chickenpox vaccine was originally touted as a one shot deal. But it now looks like chicken pox cannot be tamed in one shot.

After reviewing ten years of data on more than 11,000 recipients of the vaccine, researchers have discovered that the immunization actually fades over time.

Most physicians were skeptical from the beginning and voiced our concern that by giving the shot to young kids, it would wear off during adolescence when we know the risk of complications from chickenpox is far worse.

So now they found that 9.5% of the individuals experienced “breakthrough disease,” as reported by the New England Journal of Medicine last year.

Although the breakthrough cases were typically milder, a booster shot will likely be recommended by most acadamies.

The US Centers for Disease Control has already recommended that children 12 and under receive two doses of the vaccine.

Children 13 years of age and even adults who have not had the disease can be given two doses four to eight weeks apart.

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