Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Democratic mentality

Dependency on government is a worsening problem that historically had its roots with the Democratic Party. The democratic convention and Obama continue to advance the notion that government is the only entity that can save us.

The roots of the problem began with the progressive style of Woodrow Wilson who often wrote of creating a "God state" in America where the government had social control and demolished individual freedom for the good of the population. An example of this was the War Industries Board around World War One which was ultimately a failure. Then came Franklin Roosevelt as a Democrat to implement programs such as Social Security, Welfare, and to a more controversial extent the National Recovery Act and National Labor Relations Act.

These programs had their place but should have been temporary measures to meet immediate needs. They have created our dependent society and through a century of pushing big government down our throats, it has put us into a position where there is no longer a "right" side to the debate.

Sarah Palin, as well as most Republicans, are the exact opposite of this. We do believe the government has a role in the life of the country, but, we do not believe that the lives of Americans rely on constant intervention by the Government.

The recent attacks on Sarah Palin demonstrate clearly the democratic party and mainstream media believe that Government has to be involved in individual's personal decisions.

Co-dependent Democrats and mainstream media cannot understand how someone like her can take care of 5 children without Government help.

They cannot understand how someone can be so independent that they have made a decision to allow their children to grow up and live their own lives.

They cannot understand how individuals can rely on their family for support and not a government programs.

They cannot understand how Sarah Palin can stand up and live according to her heart and mind and still be able to handle the duties of mother, wife, governor and maybe even Vice President.

The video here epitomizes the democratic mentality!

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Blogger Jeff Gillenwater said...

The entire premise of the video, a white woman and a black man on their way to work in the same building, is only possible because of the liberal intervention you seek to demonize.

9/09/2008 08:29:00 AM  
Blogger Jeff Gillenwater said...

...and you didn't attribute the video to its producer or owner again. Does your brand of fascism not respect property rights?

9/09/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Where do you come off making a statement like this.

a white woman and a black man on their way to work in the same building, is only possible because of the liberal intervention you seek to demonize.

Democrat's ego may want to claim complete credit for it, but that is exactly what it is: EGO.

This video is being passed around by email. A longer version is on youtube at

It is even more "telling" about what the democratic mantra is doing to our country and individuals. The original source is not listed.

Why don't you try to defend the democratic mentality rather than once again attacking HB.

You are just like those attacking Sarah Palin. Her record is far better than Obama, but rather than admitting your candidate is worthless and just full of rhetoric, you just attack the opponenet.

You tout tolerance, but you certainly don't reflect it in any of your comments

9/09/2008 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As intelligent as he obviously is, Bluegill seems to be incapable of understanding any point of view other than his own.

9/09/2008 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Her record is far better than Obama"

What a joke.

Besides, why are we compaing Palin to Obama? I know McCain is old, but are we already convinved he's going to bite the dust?

9/09/2008 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because the demoacrats and the media continually harp on this issue.

You're right. Obama should be compared to McCain, but if they do that, they lose on absolutely all aspects.

9/09/2008 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you get the idea that HB might be Republician ?

9/09/2008 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic. I agree with you on the premise that FDR's social policies should have been temporary fixes for the problems of the day.
In addition, the video was hilarious.

9/09/2008 11:49:00 PM  

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