Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Breathe Right Strips

In the following article, the reporting is pretty good but may lead some consumers to believe “Breathe Right” strips may be more beneficial than they actually are.

The article is informative and easy to read and it has clear consumer value and an explicit takeaway message.

But unfortunately, the story has two serious flaws which nearly negate its short and concise reporting.

It fails to acknowledge that taken as a whole the evidence of benefit is equivocal and not all of the studies are valuable. In addition, the failure to dig for negative findings results in an inaccurate positive impression of the product's effectiveness.

This does not serve the public as well as it could.

The second flaw is of even greater consequence because the story implies, or at least permits a reading that suggests, Breathe Right strips can treat sleep apnea.

The description of results from the Journal of Rhinology study are carefully worded: When used by people with snoring and sleep apnea, the strips "reduced nasal obstruction" for most study subjects.

This could be misread by consumers to mean the strips successfully treated apnea and this is not the case.

Apnea is caused when muscles of the palate or other tissue collapse and block airflow to the trachea. It is not caused by nasal obstruction. The strips may have improved nasal airflow for people with apnea, but this isn't relevant to the underlying disease mechanism.

Sleep Apnea is a serious condition with cognitive, cardiovascular and overall health consequences and it can be deadly.

Breathe Right strips cannot treat it although some who read the article may believe otherwise.

The overall article is short, concise and pretty good, but it needs to dig a little deeper to find the truth, and protect the public from harm.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the post about Palin's underage knocked up daughter? We'd love to hear your comments and spin on that one...

9/02/2008 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are pathetic. Out of wedlock pregnancies have been around since the beginning of time. They happen in families of every socioeconomic group and of every religion as well as no religion.

What is important is how they are dealt with. Palin is supportive and values life, whereas Obama stated "he would never want to punish one of his daughters with a baby"

Maybe your mother should have aborted you. The world would be far better off

9/02/2008 08:54:00 PM  
Blogger Highwayman said...

Pardon the interruption but did I miss something?

How did a discussion about sleep apnea make the jump through hyper-space to unwed teen pregnancy?

Whatever recreational drugs you are on, please share. This I gotta try!

9/03/2008 12:10:00 AM  

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