Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cap and Trade our Jobs oversees

The Cap and trade bill was passed by the House on Friday and Baron Hill and only one other Indiana Representative voted in favor. All other Indiana Representatives were opposed.

This could be because about 95% of our energy in Indiana is coal based and this Bill will significantly increase the cost of energy to every Hoosier.

Why this bill was rushed through is speculation, but it is notable by reports that virtually no one supporting it actually read the bill.

They certainly didn’t read the current thinking of many scientists still questioning the reality of man-made global warming.

As noted in this WSJ article, other countries are actually voting against bills such as these because the science isn’t supported. Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change - WSJ.com

If this ever passes the Senate, it will be the largest expenditure increase to citizens ever and Hoosiers will pay a very high price.


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