Thursday, June 18, 2009

AMA finally may get involved seriously

More controversy is coming and it appears that the Public insurance plan that Obama is pushing for may be the single issue that gets the AMA more actively involved in squelching this radical change in our healthcare system. A.M.A. Opposes Government-Sponsored Health Plan -

Government run insurance will be the destruction of the private sector and will lead to lower quality, higher costs, and rationing of healthcare. Looking at this picture, it certainly doesn't appear that "The One" tolerates disagreement well.

In addition, we cannot afford it.

As of now, you could tax 100% of the money everyone makes over $250,000 and we still could not pay for the massive debt Obama has already cost us and certainly could not afford this health care change.

But the Democrats just keep digging our hole deeper and deeper.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point about "The One" not tolerating differing opinions.

Such a change of position from that last "tolerant" administration who was so open to listening to opposing views. When the United Nations offered a differing view, YOUR president, led by his trusty team, thumbed their nose at the world view. Nice work, eh?

Your short and/or conveniently selective memory calls your credibility into question.

6/18/2009 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stick with the topic at hand and quit attacking HB.

It is very poor form and shows you really have no argument for the facts.

6/18/2009 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the AMA needs to be involved in our healthcare and not politicians.

6/19/2009 09:47:00 AM  

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