Thursday, May 01, 2008

Our Nanny State

As we get closer and closer to the election, we need to consider the candidates carefully. There is no perfect candidate and never will be, but we need to really consider what the implications of each will be in the short term and what harm they can do in the long run.

Edward Gibbon, in his magnum opus Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, stated the five attributes that marked Rome at its end:

1.) Mounting love of show and luxury
2.) Widening gap between rich and poor
3.) Obsession with sex including homosexuality
4.) Freakishness in art masquerading as originality and enthusiasms pretending to be creativity
5.) Increased desire to live off the state.

Over the past 200 plus years of our history, we certainly are following a similar path. Will the USA “fall” in the near future? No, but can we acknowledge historical truths that have doomed other societies?

We are becoming a “Nanny State”. Election of either of the democratic candidates will only worsen this problem. We will lose more and more liberties with each increase in power we give the government and both democratic candidates have made it very clear they want more government and more taxes.

The current democratic candidates believe that the “state” (government) has a comprehensive duty to protect the citizenry from their own harmful behaviors, and both believe the state knows best what constitutes harmful behavior.

This is outrageous but seems to be a trend in this post modern thinking. "We can't know truth, but we know what is best for you!" This thinking is self-refuting.

We now allow government to dictate everything from mandatory seatbelt and helmet laws, what we can carry on airplanes, what we can taken into schools, gyms, buildings and allow the government to ban smoking in public places. We also allow the government to tax junk food, alcohol, ban fast food from vending machines, ban recreational drug use, implement more gun control, decide on the legal drinking age or legal smoking age as well as define political correctness, censorship, and content regulation.

I agree that some of these are for the benefit of society, but at what point do you draw the line and hold people accountable for their personal behaviors, choices and consequences?

What is and what should be the government’s role? The Government has overstepped its constitutional boundaries and our reliance on the government to make personal decisions needs to subside.

Think carefully as you fulfill your right and duty to vote. Who will grow the government the least and who has the moral clarity to make the best decisions based on the founding principles of this nation?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey does the board know about the keeper lists that are going around the hospital? Word is the CFO is keeping lists of certain employees. All the employees are talking about it.

5/01/2008 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that since Bryant became a lame duck the number of middle managers has increased dramatically? There used to be 2 managers between myself and the CEO, now their is five!!!

5/02/2008 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good old boy network is in full swing at this hospital. You ain't seen nothing yet. It is all about who you know and what is between your legs.

5/02/2008 10:40:00 PM  

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