Thursday, April 24, 2008

Expelled documentary

I had the opportunity to see the new documentary “Expelled” by Ben Stein this past week and thoroughly enjoyed his wit, humor, and the exposure he gave to the topic.

It did pretty well for opening weekend even though it had very little media coverage compared to other recent documentaries. The top movies at the North American box office -

It still continually amazes me how many people simply refuse to admit that “Darwinism” is just a theory without any more proof than “Intelligent Design”.

Intellectual honesty is completely thrown out when discussing this topic and there continues to be ample evidence in how the schools, universities and scientific community systematically try to squelch any and all discourse related to the topic.

Anyone who truly wants to be objective to the topic should view the film and then honestly answer the question; Why are we not allowing both ideas to be taught?

Even Dawkins admitted that Intelligent Design could explain what we see in our “science”. But he only was willing to say the Intelligence had to be from another planet (Directed Panspermia).

Where’s his science to back this up?

The bottom line is that whether you believe in Darwinism, Intelligent Design, or God, it is still a matter of faith.

No one can scientifically explain how the earth or we began.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say: "No one can scientifically explain how the earth or we began."

Maybe not...for now. But we are a lot closer to explaining the nature of the universe than we were two to four thousand years ago when hundreds if not thousands of creation myths were offered to explain the unknown.

Creationism has one purpose and one purpose only--to support the biblical version of creation. There is no challenge or questioning of what is in the bible, just a gathering of nonsense science designed to "prove" that the bible is accurate.

Real science may not have all the answers, but it finds new ones every day and seems like a lot better alternative than burying your head in mythology and condemning anything that challenges your beliefs.

4/24/2008 09:58:00 AM  
Blogger grasshopper said...

I have not always agreed with everything HB has written on this blog. But it is amusing that people rarely respond to what HB has written. Instead, they respond to what they wish he has written.

Anonymous 9:58, HB did not say to bury your head in mythology.

He is a supporter of the idea that true intellectual discussion and development requires the consideration of all theories on a subject, regardless of their connection to a religion.

In fact, belief in Darwin's theory of evolution is tied to religion as much as Creationism, in that Darwinism is an implicit rejection of religion.

As I wrote on this blog a couple of days ago, the lack of civility and respect in our discourse today is truly regrettable. Instead of an honest discussion of the topic at hand, some would rather launch personal attacks at those who hold alternative beliefs.

Anonymous 9:58, HB did not condemn anything that is contrary to his belief in Creationism. Instead, he asked, "Why are we not allowing both ideas to be taught?"

This seems like a fair question, with only one fair answer.

4/24/2008 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why just creationism/intelligent design"? How about, say, the top ten other creation myths still supported somewhere? The fact is that true science goes wherever the facts lead. The religious based "theories" do not. They build a case for the sole purpose of supporting their predetermined conclusion. That is NOT science, it is religion. And just one of thousands of versions of religious belief. This is silly!

4/24/2008 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

show me the true science in Darwanism and Macro-evolution.

Your religion is Darwanism and you are unwilling to admit it.

The science points to design not random mutations.

4/24/2008 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: "Your religion is Darwanism and you are unwilling to admit it."

Tell you what, if scientific research comes up with a better theory to explain how species on earth developed, then I will drop Darwin like a bad habit. But...can you and HB imagine ANY proof at all that would change your mind about how things started?

That is the difference between following science and following faith.

4/24/2008 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, show me the "science" of macro-evolution. Show any reader any thread of evidence of macro-evolution.

You nor anyone else can do it.

Your faith is in something unproven, unfounded, and unsupprted by the evidence. (sounds a lot like a religion)

It is theory just as Intelligent design and both should be offered as legitimate potential explanations.

Anything short is a disservice to our kids and our educational system

4/24/2008 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grasshopper and anon 1:42 are correct.

We are very biased and intellectually dishonest regarding this topic.

Why are the Darwansist so afraid??

Could Darwanism truly turn out to be the greatest hoax ever put on mankind??

4/24/2008 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my mind, Darwinsim and Creationism are not necessarily mutually exclusive

4/24/2008 04:30:00 PM  

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