Friday, June 22, 2007

A Jumbled Mess

How many parents out there feel as if their kids are speaking a different language with the new abbreviated form of computer language? The television commercial about the mother-daughter and cell phone highlights the problem and frustration.

But before we blame this generation, we should take a hard look at some of our own shortcuts. Our Federal Government is notorious for using abbreviations for everything. This was highlighted recently when a presidential commission made up of top officials from the nation’s healthcare and military complexes, filed a 118-page report. This report required an eight-page index of the 208 acronyms used and what they stand for.

The military has long favored the abbreviated format of discourse and my son who is a Marine constantly uses 3-letter abbreviations for everything related to the service.

Healthcare is not much better. So when you combine the two, expect things like CPRS, or centralized patient record system, as used by the Veterans Affairs Department, P4P meaning pay for performance, and FGLI, for those enrolled in the Family Group Life Insurance program.

In this report, you would learn that HHS (Health and Human Services) has a NCICP—a National Center for Injury Control and Prevention. You would also see that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has SNAPS, or a Special Needs Assistance Program.

One reader who reviewed the report commented it was enough to give us CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).

So the next time you admonish your children for using the shorthand that’s commonplace on the Web and rampant in text messaging, be aware that Generation Text has nothing on the federal government.

I do admit that the abbreviations used in Government and Medicine usually follow grammatically correct standards whereas this new internet lingo rarely ascribes to the same standards.

Are we “dumbing-down” our youth?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good advice. I've been struggling with this myself...the following is not just to HB:

It behooves us all to take a look in the mirror and ask, "Am I becoming part of the problem?" Look at the products of your attitudes and actions. Whom do they affect most? Be vigilant along your journey that you do not become a hindrance to those you claim to serve. You can be a caregiver, or you can be a politician. But you cannot effectively dedicate yourself to both and keep from becoming what we all fear and loathe: a self-righteous bureaucrat. You are not immune. Steady as you walk that line; it grieves us to think we might lose you to the other side.

Do not sacrifice fulfilling your purpose in exchange for reaching an empty goal. No trophy is worth the plague of emptiness and regret that will follow. You may win the argument or receive acknowledgment for having been “right” (or maybe, at best, not technically wrong), but how much damage are you willing to do along the way? Our hearts continue to break for you as we watch your passion slowly, progressively turn to something discernibly different. Steady as you walk that line; it grieves us to think we might lose you to the other side.

On your current path, would the person you were 10 years ago be proud of the person you will be in another 10 years? Not your resume--just you. Having a credential next to your name does not ensure that you are fulfilling its function. RN does not = compassion. MD does not = healer. These things come from within, and if you don’t humble yourself once in a while and check to see that they are still in there, I promise you will wake up one day to the startling discovery that you are not whom you thought you were; not whom you wanted to be; not where or what you wanted to be at all. We have a sense of who you were. Who you will be and what you have to show for it is still up to you. Steady...

Are you listening?

6/22/2007 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that a transcript from yesterday's Oprah?

6/22/2007 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, why--did it strike a nerve?

From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Thank you for illustrating the point.

6/23/2007 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAn,this is VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION?When you know that someone is telling a flat untruth,what are you supposed to do?yOU KNOW whAT CHOICES FLOYD HAS?
YOU CAN PLAY THE POLICAL GAME OR BE FIRED FOR SPEAKIMG UP!THERE IS A COVER UP,I mean a BIG ONE!THE NEW CFO ONLY HAS WHAT CERTAIN DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT COUNCIL WANT HIM TO Have.There seems to be if you take out the CEO you would have more that should go!The mess is not his alone.When contracts are signed,ohers reep the rewards.Look at all the dollars and you will find perks gained by more then the CEO!!!

6/25/2007 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assume that Anonymous 12:20 has studied this matter as carefully as he/she studied spelling, grammar and typing.

6/25/2007 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what 12:20 seems to have been studying is the bottom of the inside of a Jack Daniels bottle.

6/25/2007 11:28:00 AM  

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