Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Trustee Article

There is a new article in the “Trustee” magazine sent to Hospital Board Members. The topic is titled “Trustee and Board Certification: A Future Trend?”

The main point of the article is that strong leadership and continuous learning are inseparable for the survival of hospitals in the ever-changing and demanding healthcare field.

The article stresses that Boards have an opportunity now to set their own standards for continuing education and ensure that trustee compliance is linked to reappointment.

The ending quote from the article states; “In a changing health care environment, the uneducated board will soon be a thing of the past.”

The healthcare environment has progressed very quickly in the past 30 years. Governance of Hospitals unfortunately has not followed the same trend. Excellence in all aspects of Healthcare should include the Trustee level as welll. Floyd Memorial has always encouraged attendance at continuing education functions for Trustees, but it has never been required. There is no routine monitoring of any member's competence, continuing education or their knowledge about current healthcare issues.

The suggestions from the article were as follows:

• Be proactive and make requirements for Board Appointments and reappointments before outside agencies mandate the rules.
• In our case, they recommend assigning responsibility for ensuring competence of Board Members to the County Commissioners that appoint them
• Have a specific budget for Board Education
• Pick high quality educational opportunities for the Board to participate in and make sure they have the resources to do this.
• Be very careful about having some Board Members being extremely well-versed on the topics and healthcare environment and other Board Members without any understanding of healthcare and governance. This compromises the entire Board and possibly the success of the hospital
• Tie in the education topics with issues specific to your hospital.

Again, these changes would be far different than what is occurring now.


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