Friday, March 17, 2006

AMA survey

Here is an example of our AMA (American Medical Association) dollars at work helping physicians and patients! Is this really a worthwhile way to spend our membership fees?

The AMA partnered with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on an initiative to reduce high-risk drinking on college and university campuses.

The results of the survey were as follows: Eighty-three percent of the respondents agreed spring break trips involve more or heavier drinking than occurs on college campuses and 74 percent said spring break trips result in increased sexual activity.

Now I ask; does this come as shocking news to anyone?

Did it take a major survey to show these results?

President of the AMA J. Edward Hill MD made the revolutionary statement "These survey results are extremely disturbing because it brings up an entirely new set of issues including increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, blackouts and violence."

What planet has this guy been on for the past 20-30 years?

Other specific results from the survey were:

• A majority (74 percent) of respondents said women use drinking as an excuse for outrageous behavior.*
• More than half of women (57 percent) agree being promiscuous is a way to fit in.
• An overwhelming majority (83 percent) of women had friends who drank the majority of the nights while on spring break.
• More than half (59 percent) know friends who were sexually active with more than one partner.
• Nearly three out of five women know friends who had unprotected sex during spring break.
• One in five respondents regretted the sexual activity they engaged in during spring break, and 12 percent felt forced or pressured into sex.
• An overwhelming majority (84 percent) of respondents thought images of college girls partying during spring break may contribute to an increase in females' reckless behavior.*
• An even higher percentage (86 percent) agreed these images may contribute to dangerous behaviors by males toward women.
• Almost all (92 percent) said it was easy to get alcohol while on spring break.
• Two out of five women agreed access to free or cheap alcohol or a drinking age under age 21 were important factors in their decision to go on a spring break trip.

• * Based on the wording of other questions in the poll, the AMA assumes reckless behavior is associated with sex and binge drinking. The AMA assumes outrageous behavior is associated with public nudity, dancing on tables/bars and participating in drinking contests.

I’d like to hear from bloggers if anyone thinks this study is a worthwhile way to spend money. Is there not better uses of these dollars trying to change and impact legislation to improve our healthcare environment?


Blogger Iamhoosier said...

How about, the study MAY establish a baseline that could be used to quantify results from programs aimed at reducing the problem.

Kind of like goal setting at a business such as, uh, say a hospital. (smile)

3/17/2006 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I thought they would actually use the reults as you say, then ok.

But your example of goal setting and the hospital is humorous. We have patient satisfaction goals and look at them month after month after month. They remain poor and still nothing changes. Waste of time, money and paper to print results. (smile)

3/17/2006 12:30:00 PM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

I agree. Seems like most of the time nothing ever comes from all the studies and reports.

Our company will be 21 come April 1st. My salespeople do not fill out call reports. We have never, ever made a bar chart, pie chart, or any chart. Everyone, from the President on down, answers the phone, takes orders and has customers they are responsible for. That is what we use all of the mostly useless meeting and reporting time for. Most business people think we are nuts.

This will be our 21st straight year of increased sales. Maybe with more "reports" our revenues would be twice as much. Somehow, I doubt it.

3/17/2006 01:01:00 PM  
Blogger All4Word said...

More than half of women (57 percent) agree being promiscuous is a way to fit in.

Let's just take ONE data point. The survey is either part of an ongoing survey or the genesis of one.

Don't you think it would be informative to know what that number was 10 years ago or what it will be 5 years from now?

If nothing else, it will give fundamentalists ammunition to rail against the decline of morals, presuming of course that you believe promiscuity is immoral.

So, tell me: this blog seems to consist mostly to parrot secondary sources of statistics about how soulless the world is becoming. Which statistics are legitimate in your eyes, and which aren't? The ones that reinforce your views?

3/19/2006 02:31:00 PM  
Blogger Highwayman said...

HB, It sound to me like the AMA is to your profession what the ATA (American Trucking Association) is to mine.

The ATA claims to represent and be concerned about the welfare of our industry but in reality have no idea what is going on in the day to day operation of trucking.

Their latest bright idea is to lobby Washington to legalize increased weight limits of 93,000 lbs GVW for a 53' trailer. This is not only immoral, it it insanity personified. We barely have control of these vechicles at the current limit of 80,000 GVW!

To their credit however, they are a great lobby for the mega unit companies and the railroad. They have very little to do with the small to medium size carriers who, by the way, haul the lions share of consumer goods in this country at reduced rates.

Do I see a pattern here between those who do the deeds and those who make the rules?

3/19/2006 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are absolutely correct. These organizations have lost their purpose. They no longer serve the interests of whom they were established for.


Hw do you expect the broken healthcare industry to change if we cannot point out the problems?

The AMA is our largest and most influential lobbying group. They have the opportunity to meet with legislative personnel that we on the working front never will.

Spending money on studies such as this is a waste of time for this organization. There are plenty of other groups to do studies such as this.

It is not the details of the study that is the problem. It is the AMA spending resources on such an obvious problem that remains the quarrel.

I don't doubt the statistics in this or many other studies and don't look for ones to serve my needs. But it doesn't take a study to know that these things go on during spring break. I do believe our society is declining in many areas, not just moral, but the purpose of this posting was to show how wasteful the AMA is from its members standpoint.

My goal is to bring topics up, discuss them, and possibly help to make changes to improve them. Trying to get physicians to be more active, involved and less complacent is the only way we'll ever be able to change this current healthcare crisis.

Why is it that pointing out problems and wanting to educate people on how the system works seem to irritate so many?

3/20/2006 01:52:00 PM  

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