Wednesday, September 02, 2009

End of Life Resuscitation

It is studies like this that will fuel an Obama administration to proceed down a path of limiting care and eventually punishing doctors who don't agree.

According to a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, elderly patients who undergo in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation have not had an increase in overall survival rates since the early 1990s and the results may be worse in men and minorities.

The report analyzed 1992 to 2005 fee-for-service Medicare data and identified 433,985 patients who underwent in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. There were only 18.3 percent who survived to discharge.

Although the survival rate did not significantly change during the study period, the researchers observed an increase in the proportion of patients who underwent in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation before death. They also found that older age, male sex, chronic disease burden, admission from a skilled nursing facility, and African-American or other non-Caucasian race were associated with poorer survival.

This study lends more support to helping older patients make informed decisions prior to the need for resuscitation since the probability is low for survival and they didn’t report on the quality of life of those who did survive.

But what if you were the one that was saved and went on to lead a productive life with your family?

With Obamacare, this may be a mute point as these patients may not be allowed to be hospitalized in the first place as the cost benefit ratio used by the government would not be conducive to the bottom line.

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Blogger Slim said...

Our Nation was founded under the precept that we were all created equal by the Creator. Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are One Nation Under God. The Liberals and the Secularists have systematically removed God from the Schools and from every public institution. A perplexed nation wonders why things are so bad. We have a state (Oregon) that has legalized Euthanasia. Abortion on demand has been the law of the land since that satanic supreme court decision, "Roe V. Wade." When I was a kid growing up, extreme measures were taken to preserve life. That credo is very Biblical. Our Nation has abandoned that credo by taking God out of the public domain. So along comes Government run health care and the inevitable rationing. The Libs have the absolutely false premise that they have to take care of everyone - read: The Nanny State. Something has to give. Those who are the least able to defend themselves - the unborn and the elderly are the victims. Their lives do not have any meaning, so the Libs say it is okay to eliminate them or hasten their demise. After all, the elderly have had their lives and now it is time for them to get out of the way. The Devil is smiling these days. Our Nation has become a great mission field, because we fail to trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the failure to believe in the ability of God Fearing citizens to take care of themselves. I blame Liberalism and Multiculturalism for all of the maladies of this now dying Great Nation. The only hope I see is a return to our Judeo-Christian values. I pray every day for this to happen.

9/02/2009 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And all God's people say AMEN!

9/02/2009 11:32:00 AM  
Blogger B.W. Smith said...

I love it when you guys post what you really think. Please do so more loudly and often, it helps us Liberals win elections.

9/03/2009 12:33:00 PM  

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