Thursday, February 05, 2009

Health and Stocks

In this economic downturn when it seems everything is going south, why is there so much concern over the health of Steve Jobs of Apple?

It is amazing that the unknown health status of one man can have such a profound effect on a company’s stock. The continual media coverage and the stockholders questioning causes negative trends in the company stocks which actually hurts the individual investors.

As an example, in the latter part of December while rumors were circulating about his health and why Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller would be presenting at the MacWorld conference instead of him, Apple shares lost 11%. Then recently when Jobs issued a letter to the community, Apple shares rose almost 6%.

The company’s motto is “Think Different”. With a CEO who has always been a progressive thinker, do you not believe he has a succession plan in response to a potential health issue?

If he died tomorrow, the Mac computers, IPods and Iphones are still going to be produced and the company will move forward.

Let the man’s health status remain private and worry about something else!

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