Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Change we don't need

Yes, change is certainly coming. More corruption, scandal and partisan politics than we ever saw under the Republican rule. The latest is the troubled nomination of Tom Daschle to become HHS secretary.

Here is another career politician being caught for tax evasion (although the democrats or media won’t use that terminology). Daschle has been caught owing more than $140,000 in back taxes and interest from consulting and a car service over a three-year period. It was very surprising to everyone yesterday that he actually withdrew his nomination.

Besides just the tax evasion, Daschle was also facing questions about potential conflicts of interests related to the speaking fees he accepted from health care interests as well as advice he provided to health insurers and hospitals through his post-Senate work at a law firm.

All of this would have been a huge embarrasment when it came to making any health care reform. The mainstream media along with most of the democrats continued to stand behind him even among the moral deficiencies and questions raised in the matter. This is another example of the blatant double standards from the media.

To think that Daschle would have been the head of Health and Human services and try to reform the healthcare system was really terrifying.

If Obama really wanted change as he has stated, he needed to do the right thing and withdraw the nomination of Daschle. This would have set an example. Obama's continued picks of individuals with questionable ethics, tax problems etc. does not send a message of the type of change we need.

Daschle’s apology is too little too late. The apology comes only because he got caught. If Bush were to have nominated this many people for positions who had tax related problems, we would never hear the end of it from the media.

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Blogger lawguy said...

Good to see the local Fox news affiliate is back on the air!

Daschle was a mistake - nobody disputes it. But the amazing thing was that - for a chance - Obama actually ADMITTED he made a serious error. He didnt blame anyone else - he took the heat himself. Imagine that - an elected official admitting an error in judgment (unlike the prior administration's years of suggesting there really were WMD in Iraq).

Now, contrast the Daschle mistake that with the criminally convicted Scooter Libby, who the Bush administration backed even after a perjury conviction and clear evidence of federal crimes of outing a CIA operative.

And what did the Bush team do with Libby - did they apologize or admit a mistake? Naw....they commuted his sentence so he didnt spend a day in jail on the 30 months to which he was sentence. NICE.

Be careful of the glass house in which you're residing, HB.

2/04/2009 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lawguy, I think the media beat up Bush and the administration adequately.

Let's stick with the Obama issues and the horrible partisan politics we are seeing now.

What would the media have done if there was a unanymous Democratic vote against a bill the republicans offered during the Bush years.

It would be front page in every newspaper and on every channel for weeks until something were done.

We have barely heard anything about it.


Obama needs to step up to the plate and be the leader he campaigned as

2/04/2009 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama can do no wrong because everything has either 1)already been inescapably put into motion by Bush, or 2) nothing compared with what Bush did.

2/04/2009 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this is what is leading our Congress and has been for the past 2 years

It will be difficult to overcome this type of idiocy.

2/04/2009 12:48:00 PM  

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