Friday, June 30, 2006

Where’s Waldo???

The better question is, in my opinion, WHERE'S THE CEO? The recent article in the Tribune
certainly had few positive things to say about the current financial situation at Floyd.

This is the first time in probably a decade that Floyd has had to make substantial cuts in hopes of meeting the projected budget. The CEO rarely declines the opportunity to claim credit when there are positive things happening, but where was he for this interview? I’m sure I saw him in town, and I’m pretty sure I saw him the morning of this article. But I guess he was too busy for the interview. Or maybe they drew straws and the VP got the short one.

This article, in my opinion, is another prime example of skirting responsibility when things are on the downturn.

In addition, the VP did a good job of explaining the problems and you’ve heard all of these things before. Outpatient procedures are down. Surgeries are down and projections for the new addition aren’t being met.

The reporter should have continued this line of questioning and asked why? We have more physicians than we’ve ever had and the population is growing. Could it be the physicians are unhappy and maybe doing things elsewhere? Could this administration actually be driving more physicians away? Is this administration costing Floyd more in lost revenue than they are worth? Are the continued bed crunch and diversion issues still causing more problems than the administration will admit? There could have been many more in-depth questionS that may have shed some light on the real problems.

In addition, this VP was able to give a clear explanation of what the CEO was unable to explain at the last staff meeting. Directors were asked to cut 5 percent from their budgets not 2 percent as the CEO told the Medical Staff. The goal was to cut the overall budget by 2 percent. Maybe the CEO just didn’t understand the numbers or the cuts.

Word on the street now is that the administration is telling the Board they need more beds. Imagine that, after a $65 million dollar expansion.


Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

Sometimes you are just hilarious in your attempts to find fault HB. Since when is it inappropriate to have the officer in charge of marketing and public relations be a spokesperson for an organization?

And, how about the other hospitals in the region that are also experiencing reduced outpatient admissions this year (someone mentioned that earlier)? Is the Floyd CEO responsible for that as well?

6/30/2006 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ability to position themselves in order to take credit for projects that go right, while at the same time leaving an avenue to distance themselves should things go wrong is a finely tuned skill that most upper-level executives have long mastered.

6/30/2006 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You told 'em HealthBlogger, and now the truth is going to come out.

6/30/2006 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It concerns me very deeply to read of the many problems that exist at FMH. As someone who has been associated with the hospital both as a consumer and as an on a very high level...I am grateful that Dr. Dan keeps us informed from an insider position. I am sure he speaks as a physician as well as a consumer of the product.

He is challenged by those who view his comments as being influenced by a dislike of the CEO. But what caused this dislike of the CEO? Is there a basis for this mistrust and disrespect? Unless critics of Dr. Dan's position have personal experience ...and at the same level as Dr. Dan...they become guilty of the very behavior they accuse him of displaying. I have personally experienced the deceptive nature of the CEO and know the truth of what Dr. Dan speaks. What amazes me is how long he has lasted at FMH. He was fired at his last job...the one he had prior to FMH. If you don't believe me, check it out. And while you are checking the truth of this fact, you might also want to discover the reason. The CEO had a problem with relationships in that hospital also. If our hospital fails, you critics may well find egg on your face and may very well regret the "hard" times you have given someone who has tried to keep us informed.
I applaud you, Dr. Dan. Someone needs to keep us informed and challenge the issues. I ask one thing of you, though. Please do not become jaded and negative. You have too much to give our community and sometimes I sense this personality change evolving in you. I speak to you as a friend and as a colleague.

7/01/2006 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After having read a good number of the postings here, I have to say that I couldn't disagree more with the unwarranted assassinations of the characters of the CEO and other senior officers of Floyd Memorial. Over the years, I have worked with many of those officers, including Bryant Hanson, in service organizations, on community boards and in community fund raising. I have always been impressed with their energy, commitment to our community and their passion for the success of the hospital. They have been recognized for their achievements and leadership success on a number of occasions and those awards have been richly deserved.

I suppose it is always possible to talk about negatives but I sure see a lot of success at our hospital. Several major construction/renovation projects, expanded services and a much more favorable reputation vis-à-vis hospitals across the river have occurred on the watch of the current administration. I am sure that in all that time some feathers got ruffled and some personalities might not have meshed perfectly with everyone, But I see a team of professionals with a strong record of success and a lot of earned respect, not only for their management of the hospital, but for their extraordinary contributions to the community outside the hospital. I suspect that many of the people posting negative comments may not know how widely that group is respected in the business and community service sector of this region.

7/01/2006 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If I were only concerned that everyone agree with me, I would not allow anonymous comments and the opportunity for open dialogue.

I could make the postings and not allow any comments. Just post my own thoughts and not worry about anyone else's.

I do like openess and the ability to "agree to disagree".

I like compromise and agree to compromise but one of my weaknesses is that I do see things pretty black and white. I continually try and work on this weakness and this forum is actually therapeutic for me in some regard.

Anonymous is correct when they say that I have had personal attacks from this administration and until you actually walk in my same shoes, it would be difficult for you to understand.

This CEO is not well respected in the public and corporate world. They are polite and acknowledge him, but if you ever have the opportunity to speak openly and truthful with them, you would here a different story.

7/01/2006 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB, you wrote:

"This CEO is not well respected in the public and corporate world. They are polite and acknowledge him, but if you ever have the opportunity to speak openly and truthful with them, you would here a different story."

You must really be consumed with hatred!

I believe at least two local organizations have honored Hanson as their "person of the year" or some similar title. He was also selected as chairman of the United Way drive a few years back. That would seem to go a little beyond mere politeness.

7/01/2006 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You brought up United Way. As talked about in earlier postings, when he was heading it up, he mandated that every employee at Floyd contribute. No exceptions. He did this to make himself look good. It has not been mandated before or after his position as chairman.

Awards both he, Floyd and others have recieved have not always been because those organizations sought Floyd out but because he had marketing and other people submit applications for the awards. It is time consuming for many people at Floyd to do this. Sure it is a marketing tool, but some awards are just for publicity and most hospitals just do not take the time to do the legwork involved.

Over the years Floyd has earned some very good awards and deserving of them, but not all.

What happened with Joint Commission accreditation. We were only one of about 10 hospitals to lose accreditation. This certainly got minimized and swept under the rug.

This was and is a major black mark on Floyd but I guess your bias does not allow you to acknowledge that deficiency.

I do not hate the man. I do not like nor respect him and do not believe he is leading Floyd in the direction it needs to go in this current healthcare environment.

7/02/2006 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! The truth is out there, and ye have found it!

7/02/2006 08:50:00 AM  
Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

I don’t know anything about the accreditation issue, but it must not have been a matter of much substance since doctors continue to admit patients to the hospital and insurance providers must still be paying for services provided there.

You dismiss out of hand the fact that Hanson and other members of his administration are highly valued within the larger community. I don’t know where you get the right to speak for all those business people, but honors are honors no matter who fills out the paperwork.

Your “dislike” (which has to at least be right on the border with “hate”) seems to color your view of everything that Hanson does. Kind of hard to see you as a person who likes compromise when you are so obsessed with painting a negative picture of a man.

7/02/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerning your comment:

"Sure it is a marketing tool, but some awards are just for publicity and most hospitals just do not take the time to do the legwork involved."

Just what evidence do you have that "most not take the time..."? Did you ask any of them? Do you know of a single hospital which does NOT have a marketing/publicity department that exists only to promote the institution?

For someone who believes in "absolute truth" you sure do make a lot of sweeping unsubstantiated pronouncements.

7/02/2006 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again we have our administrative people or reps commenting because they evidently have more free time than those of us working weekends.

I know for a fact that Mr. Hanson has employees in different departments filling out applications for awards. I am not saying it is wrong, but people should know that most of what we recieve at Floyd is not because we were chosen out of purely merit or accomplishment. Othe hospital

Dr. Dan is just trying to educate people to how things really work. Why does telling the truth about how things work at Floyd seem to upset these one or two individuals. Why do you keep hiding your identity.

I work at Floyd and have freinds in marketing, IS, nursing and other departments. Nothing he has said has been incorrect. Why is it so disturbing that someone is willing to speak the truth.

If there is nothing to hide, there should be no alarm. Mr. Hanson is a dictator and he is hurting Floyd tremendously.

7/02/2006 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The relationship between management and employee or should I say the lack of relationship has never been more strained. I'm grateful to Dr. Dan for speaking up and telling everyone what is being said in the hallways and amoung co-workers at Floyd.
Perhaps managument should take notes, apparently Dr. Dan has his hand on the pluse of employee's at Floyd because the little man surely doesn't.

7/02/2006 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only been a silent observer until now, but that last personal attack on Ms. Quillman was disgraceful! Whoever wrote it should be ashamed of themselves.

7/03/2006 06:47:00 AM  
Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

Gee, HB, you sure do attract classy followers.

7/03/2006 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that the majority of these comments are about whose to blame about the success of FMH or the lack of. I've worked in a number of hospitals and Floyd is by far the best. Its not Hanson that runs FMH place its the employees that work their butts off. I think some people need to take a step back and look at how the hospital has improved over the years. As far as the expansion goes, its only been 6 months and there seems to be panic. I know its all about REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE but the 65 million dollar investment is a long term one which may not produce immediate results. I wouldnt worry too much about business picking up, it always does. If it doesnt we have hospitalists, ER doctors, and other physicians to keep the hospital busy ordering unwarrented studies with the blink of an eye. What ever happened to clinical evaluation.....Lets stick with our guns people. With good communication, patient care, and customer satisfaction, revenue will take care of itself.

7/03/2006 05:39:00 PM  

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