Monday, January 16, 2006

Goals not reached

Over the 4 years I served on the Board, there was really very little accomplished,in my opinion, as far as changes in the organization structure and attitudes. It was mainly because of a lackadaisical attitude amongst members and the same good-ol-boy attitude. For some reason, we have adults that cannot disagree agreeably. If you disagree, you automatically become the enemy. Therefore problems were rarely addressed and rarely fixed. Here is a simple list of items I wanted to accomplish in 2005 but because of lack of support from certain Board members, many did not get completed.

• Mr. Hanson (CEO) strong arms the employees in management to contribute money to Political Action Committees. There was never an official policy about donations at the hospital and he therefore has employees contributing to organizations he was affiliated with or had interest in to make himself look better. I had several employees tell me it created a financial burden on their families to contribute the amounts that are expected. I believe this is wrong for the CEO to mandate this. The board agreed but never made an official policy. I was told that the very next management council meeting, Mr. Hanson made a statement to the affect stating it was not mandatory, but he told the employees they knew what was expected. Typical example of his management style.
• I believe that every letter that comes to the Board should have a written reply back to the individual from the Board at least acknowledging we received and considered it. Too many letters have been received over the years with no response given and it looks like we do not care or take it in consideration.
• I have always advocated that the Board should have time alone each month with just Board members and our attorney Scott Waters. I believe we should be able to meet without the CEO to discuss issues privately. This was threatening to the CEO and we never consistently were able to do this because of other Board members not thinking it was important and the CEO not complying.
• I had always been opposed to the way the organizational goals and individual goals were made for the hospital and CEO. Many were not real goals that could be measured. Others were so vague that anyone could accomplish them. But this was what determined their bonuses and the CEO certainly did not want to be held accountable for real goals, with real measurements. Otherwise his large annual bonus would be in jeopardy. “Getting rewarded for outcomes. Is that fair?”
• I wanted the Board to have quarterly physician meetings without the CEO. Many physicians are unhappy but most do not want any more conflict and therefore continue to just keep quiet. If the CEO was not at the meetings, the Board members would hear a whole different viewpoint. But again, accountability is at issue. If the Board heard these things, they would then be obligated to do something to fix them. More conflict would ensue and therefore, as usual less action was taken.
• I wanted to see the County commissioners meet with the Board at least twice/year without the CEO. But again, this caused conflict and meant that we may actually have to address and resolve some issues. Who wanted to do that?
• I have been a firm believer that we needed to begin a transition process for a smooth leadership change. There are dozens of reasons why this makes since. But without consistency in the Board, this will probably not occur as soone as it should.

As you can see, most of these are common sense issues that should not cause much conflict. But when an organization has its leadership managing employees based on fear and reprisals when authority is challenged; even simple things become huge hurdles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the CEO has a little bit of Napoleonic complex. When one has to have this much control over every aspect of an operation it says to me that he/she is very insecure and deep down inside knows what they are doing is wrong.

1/18/2006 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the truth. This blog is the truth.

Floyd is a great place...fight for it...forget the egos...serve God...the truth is about to prevail.

1/19/2006 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes- the common consensus is it has gone downhill from behind the scenes. Too much work, not enough people/ image over substance. We do our best and most of us go above and beyond in face of alot of stress from patients/docs/admin.

1/22/2006 08:53:00 PM  

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