Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summary on the Countries

For the past couple of weeks, we have described the Healthcare situation in various European Countries based on the critique from the CATO Institute.

I think anyone with an open mind can readily see that no country has a perfect solution to Healthcare and each has their own unique problems.

What can be taken from the review is that no country has yet figured out how to cover 100% of their population. Some come close, but all are with problems.

The things that are most apparent in the review are:
1. Countries with the lowest healthcare costs typically are those where patients have a direct financial role in the decision process.
2. The seemingly more successful systems are employing more free market competitive mechanisms
3. Most are offering secondary private policies for better access, care, and flexibility
4. More government involvement has historically made things worse in most of the systems.
5. out of pocket expenditures range from 8.5% of wages to nearly 31.5% in Switzerland and with co-pays in most of the countries ranging from 10-40%
6. Many of the countries whether they admit it or not, are transitioning to a system that is looking more American.

With this is mind, we need to ask why the Democrats are attempting to radically change our current system when most other countries and working towards a system closer to ours?

I’ve said before that we do have things that can be improved and there are solutions that both parties already agree on to help. So why not make some incremental changes now and quit trying to overhaul a system that works for about 87% of the population.



Blogger Slim said...

The radical liberals are in control of the government. Incrementalism is not in their vocabulary. Radicalism is in their vocabulary. The libs want complete power over us individuals and they want it now. They are willing to do anything (constitutional or unconstitutional) to get what they want. When the libs control health care, they will control all of us. Any activity that is deemed to be unhealthful by the Libs, will result in prohibitions. Do you like riding your motorcycle? That is dangerous, so motorcycle riding will be outlawed. Do you like skydiving? That is dangerous. Skydiving will be outlawed. Do you like shooting? Shooting is dangerous. Guns will be outlawed. Do you want to brew your own beer? Beer brewing and drinking beer is dangerous to your health. So, beer brewing will be prohibited. Obamacare (read: Oh, bomb our care) is the ultimate Liberal equalizer in this once great nation where freedom used to ring.

9/30/2009 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slim, you better hope being a tool isnt banned...

10/01/2009 07:01:00 AM  

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