Tuesday, August 04, 2009

More exagerations

President Obama as well as many other Democrats just cannot seem to keep their facts straight and always want to exaggerate them to make thinks look worse for America in order to promote their take-over strategy.

Here is yet another example from the White House transcript given at the AARP forum:

Last point I would make, just to give you a sense of why I know that we can get savings in the system without over the long term spending more money. We spend about $6,000 per person more than any other industrialized nation on Earth — $6,000 more than the people do in Denmark, or France, or Germany, or — every one of these other countries spend at least 50 percent less than we do, and you know what, they’re just as healthy.

Obama used the same numbers
during his health care press conference on July 22, after which the OMB told FactCheck.org that the president was referring to the average spending per family. Here the president clearly says, “We spend about $6,000 per person more than any other industrialized nation on Earth.”

The following is from The American Spectator:

If you look at OECD data (which can be downloaded here), you will find the following statistics for per capita health care costs, adjusted for purchasing power parity:
United States: $7,290
Denmark: $3,512
France: $3,601
Germany: $3,588
Obama is correct that all of those countries spend less per person on health care, but it isn’t anywhere near $6,000 less. The widest gap among the countries mentioned, between the U.S. and Denmark, is $3,778 per person.


The White House, July 28, 2009

The American Spectator, July 28, 2009
President Obama’s $6,000 Lie

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Blogger Slim said...

Democrats always are distorting facts to meet their purposes. This president and his administration are no exception. Do you know how to tell when a Democrat is lying? His/her lips are moving.

8/04/2009 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous mark portaro said...

It's not only democrats who distort things. It's 99 per cent of the politicians on both sides of the aisles. The mere existence of a huge federal government makes it do things to guarantee it continues to be big and oppressive. The federal government want to progress the nanny state and make its worker bees further dependent on it. Welfare, social security ( or should I say social insecurity ) and now health care. The 2 parties talk different during elections but the beat goes on after the election. The democrats are a bit more socialistic, but how can the GOP claim to be conservative/liberty minded when they spend us into economic slavery. We owe the Chinese and Japanese billions in interest alone daily, our budget in the year 2035 will be equaled by the cost of Medicare and Social Security alone. So don't be fooled by big government politicians that talk conservative, ala Palin or any of the last 40 years of GOP candidates and that includes Reagan. The proof is in the pudding.

8/04/2009 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama isn't too good with numbers. His comments and answers to questions also makes it evident he understands zero about economics.

There's an old saying that if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Obama's solution to every problem is to appoint a czar and create a government bureaucracy to take things over.

8/04/2009 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Six men were on a boat on a lake in the USA that was sinking. There were six lifejackets. They found out there were 2 stowaways on board who were illegal aliens. What should they do? Put on the six lifejackets and let the 2 illegals drown? After all, they were in the states illegally.

Or, each of the 8 men could cut off an arm so the lesser weight would allow the six lifejackets to support the eight men = everyone lives!

Socialism does not work.

8/04/2009 10:37:00 PM  

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