Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Try to Hide It!

The Obama team with their leader continues to take advantage of the current financial climate. What is so amazing is they don’t even try to hide it. The sad part is that many individuals will continually follow blindly and “drink the cool-aide”.

Their Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel made a statement to the New York Times about the current situations that "They are opportunities to do big things."

Then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis."

And to top it off, President Obama explained on his Saturday radio and Internet address that there is "great opportunity in the midst of" the "great crisis" befalling America.

This philosophy of using crises to radically change things that would never pass under normal circumstances demonstrates just how radical this administration really is.

No one should be surprised based on his voting record, but it is a shame we vocal minority will be proven right.

Obama is using this crisis to pass the liberal agenda on healthcare, energy and education and redistribution of wealth even though these would never pass in normal times and many would argue that his policies are making the crisis worse.

But that is the real intent. What better way to control the people than to have them live in fear and think the only saving grace is the Government. This is the liberal agenda.

Jonah Goldberg said “Its amorality is outweighed only by the grotesque and astoundingly naked cynicism of it all.”

The media double standard is blazingly obvious as Goldberg further pointed out when he said;

“Recall that not long ago, the first item on the bill of indictment against the Bush administration was that it was "exploiting" 9/11 to enact its agenda. Al Gore shrieked that President Bush "played on our fears" to get his way. In response to nearly every Bush policy proposal, from the Patriot Act to the toppling of Saddam Hussein, critics would caterwaul that Bush was taking advantage of the country's fear of terrorism.

The Bush administration always denied this, and rightly so. If the president admitted that he was using a national calamity for narrow partisan or ideological advantage, it would be outrageous. Indeed, every time Karl Rove or some other administration official said anything that could be even remotely interpreted as using the war or 9/11 for partisan or ideological gain, the editorial pages and Democratic news-release factories churned into overdrive with righteous indignation.

Well, now we have the president, along with his chief aides, admitting -- boasting! -- That they want to exploit a national emergency for their preexisting agenda, and there's no scandal. No one even calls it a gaffe. No, they call it leadership.”

In morally sensitive individuals and companies, exploiting a crisis for your own purposes is an outrage whether it is price gouging during the hurricane, gas hikes during a perceived shortage or raising the price of generators during an electrical failure.

But when Obama and his liberal friends do the same thing; they and the media refer to it as taking advantage of a historic opportunity. This is a sad time for the United States.

We are in for a long 4 years and it will take many more than that to undue the radical changes Obama is making!

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Blogger Cal Samuel August said...

Not that I place a lot of stock in psychology, but in psych class one learns of the idea of "projection" where you project your attitudes and suppositions to others.

For 8 years, leftists attributed their worst fears to Bush and assumed that his intentions were always the worst, taking the "slippery slope" approach to logic about him. They assumed this, because that's the way they ACTUALLY govern, promoting as much fear and chaos as possible when they are in control.

Now, as commentators complain about Obama, they are charged with racism. The absolute worst motives are attributed to anyone against Obama. Unfortunately, I think the reality is, he's going to be a lousy president.

Note however, the double standard in hoping that this president fails:

3/12/2009 09:39:00 AM  

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