Friday, June 27, 2008

Smelly Decision

So how would Obama vote on this issue?

In Farina, Ill., a resident had a love affair with a skunk that began when his brother from Indiana gave him a baby skunk as a wedding gift.

In Indiana, skunks are legal to keep, but across the border in Illinois the animals are seen as a rabies hazard and outlawed.

Most people would never think that owning a skunk is a good idea but this individual believes otherwise.

He says that once you have the animal descented, which is a noninvasive procedure done early in the animal's life, having one is a complete joy.

He says it's like a cross between a house cat and a calm monkey.
This Illinois resident has appealed to his state legislator for help in rescinding the Illinois law, saying the incidence of rabies in skunks is now quite low, but the State representative, Republican lawmaker Ron Stephens, told the paper, "I am keeping an open mind, but I will come down on the side of reason."

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