Monday, March 31, 2008

Benefits of Tea

Tea is one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world and there have been numerous studies looking at the relationship between tea consumption and vascular disease.

Recent evidence from a French study supports the benefit of tea drinking and reduced risk of vascular disease

This study looked at the plaque build up in the carotid artery and involved 6597 persons aged 65 years or older.

The results showed that increasing daily tea consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of carotid plaques in women and directly correlated with the amount. The association was independent of age, education, and other dietary factors as well as blood pressure, use of antihypertensive medications, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and use of lipid-lowering therapy.

Men did not show the same reduction and it is not clear as to why. Other studies also have shown benefits in women but not men.

The bottom line is there is growing evidence that tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk of vascular disease and is especially true for older females.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it make a difference if the tea is decaffeinated?

4/01/2008 05:12:00 PM  

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