Friday, February 08, 2008

Halitosis Descrimination

Is this suspension discrimination or legitimate?

According to the New York Daily News, A Manhattan doorman has been suspended for having bad breath.

Jonah Seeman worked ushering tenants into a four-building complex on East 89th Street for the past 40 years and was told not to come to work because of halitosis.

Mr. Seeman supports his 81-year-old mother and had been suspended twice before for bad breath.

Many of the apartment dwellers at the Gracie Gardens complex expressed surprise over Seeman's suspension and some came to his defense saying his job, which he does well, is opening the door, not to be opening his mouth.

Officials with the management company that oversees the property made no official comment related to the incident.

But the letter received from the company by the doorman stated: "We can no longer tolerate the fact that you have severe breath odor while on duty."

There is a union that represents Mr. Seeman and they have filed a grievance in the case.



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