Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Great Hoax

How many Global Warming proponents know that in August of this year, NASA scientists had corrected an error that resulted in 1934 replacing 1998 as the warmest year on record in the U.S.?

Questions are being raised about whether 2007 is going to be the demise of this anxiety provoking issue. Some recent excerpts from various sources include:

Comments from astronomer Dr. Ian Wilson after reviewing a new study that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research, “Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming bites the dust,”

And a former Harvard physicist, Dr. Lubos Motl, said this new study has reduced global warming fear-mongers to “playing the children’s game to scare each other.” The newest research is showing that the Earth’s climate is only about one-third as sensitive to carbon dioxide which is far different than a series of reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Many are dismissing the IPCC reports as many believe they are deliberate distortions of data that amount to propaganda.

Paleoclimate scientist, Bob Carter, after testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, noted in a June 18, 2007 that global warming has stopped. There has been little, if any, global warming since 1979, a period over which atmospheric CO2 has increased by 17 percent. Thus, the connection between CO2 and “global warming”, the key to the claims that it is occurring and will increase has been proven wrong.

Dr. Roy Spencer, another critic of the global warming hoax, has noted that “At least 80 percent of the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor and clouds, and those are largely under the control of precipitation systems.” The computer models used by advocates of global warming have been able to include the actions and impact of clouds, thus rendering them seriously flawed.

Prior to and during 2007, one research study after another revealed that the central premise of “global warming” lacks any scientific merit. One by Dr. Tim Patterson concluded that, “The earth temperature does respond to the solar cycle as confirmed by numerous studies.” The solar cycle is known to be about eleven years in length and reflects increased or decreased sunspot (magnetic storms) activity. It is the Sun that largely determines the Earth’s temperature, which is never the same throughout the planet, given seasonal and solar changes.

In 2007, meteorologist Anthony Watts who led a team of researchers revealed that, “The U.S. National Climate Data Center is in the middle of a scandal. Their global observing network, the heart and soul of surface weather measurement, is a disaster.” It had been discovered that many of the measuring stations were placed in locations such as on hot black asphalt, next to trash burn barrels, beside heat exhaust vents, and even attached to hot chimneys and above outdoor grills!

Determining the Earth’s temperature, says Bjarne Andresen, a professor at The Niels Borh Institute, University of Copenhagen, collaborated with two other professors to write an article in Science Daily, saying, “It is impossible to talk about a single temperature for something as complicated as the climate of the Earth.” Indeed, “differences in temperature drive the processes and create the storms, sea currents, thunder, etc. which make up the climate.”

In May 2007, Dr. Reid Bryson, the founding chairman of the Department of Meteorology at the University of Wisconsin dismissed fears of increased man-made CO2 in the atmosphere. He called the “global warming” argument “absurd.” As to any increase in the Earth’s temperature, he said, “Of course it’s going up. It has gone up since the early 1800s, before the industrial Revolution, because we’re coming out of the Little Ice Age, not because we’re putting carbon dioxide in the air.”

On August 15, 2007, meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo, the first Director of Meteorology at The Weather Channel and former chairman of the American Meteorological Society’s Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, said, “If the atmosphere was a 100 story building, our annual anthropogenic (man-made) CO2 contribution today would be equivalent to the linoleum on the first floor.”

Whether these comments questioning Global warming or studies in support of Global Warming are accurate is still in question.

It reminds me of the many medical studies that claim certainty this year only to refute it next year.

Conservation is important and remembering my Scout Leader’s instruction “always try to leave the place better than how you found it” seems to be very practical advice.

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