Thursday, December 14, 2006


I was asked what the CEO thought about the recent election results, both in the Medical Staff as well as in the Commissioner’s race.

Although I can only speculate as to what he is thinking, his actions have certainly shown many people his true colors.

Since the two elections, he has taken a much more aggressive role to have the current commissioners expand the Board of Trustees to nine members. This was requested months ago, but just by coincidence it never was acted upon until after the elections.

In addition, at the Board meeting in November, he convinced the current Board to pass a new amendment to their Bylaws that would prevent a physician from serving on the Board of Trustees and the Medical Executive Committee at the same time. Again, this came up after the election results did not go in the way the CEO would have liked.

This was done even though some Board members asked for it to be discussed with the Medical Executive Committee first. It passed without ever having physician input by the general staff or the Medical Executive Committee.

The reasoning that is given is to prevent conflict of interest. But I guess there is no conflict to have a bank president on the Board when the hospital keeps several million dollars in his bank, or insurance agents who the hospital uses for services, or having the mother of one of the surgeons and the Mayor serve on the Board. I guess there are no problems as long as these individuals continue to vote the way he wants.

In many people’s opinion, these are more examples of the underhanded, manipulative tactics that we continue to witness.

Who’s ready for change??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is only the tip of the iceberg HB. As an employee and middle manager, I can assure you, he cannot and does not tell the whole truth.

He manipulates everyone and says really bad things behind closed doors about lots of people.

Good honest post. More people need to hear.

Heading to work now to survive the wrath

12/14/2006 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even worse, I have heard that he sometimes mixes plaids with stripes and that he purposefully took up two parking spaces one day last week. What an awful, purely evil man he must be.

12/14/2006 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB wrote:

"I was asked..."

"In many people’s opinion..."

"Although I can only speculate as to what he is thinking, his actions have certainly shown..."

Senator McCarthy would have been proud of you HB. You create imaginary "straw men" who come to you, the Floyd County Oracle, for your wisdom on every subject from the CEO's inner thoughts to exactly how DID Noah get all those darn animals in that Ark. And then you produce answers that inevitably point to overwhelming failure on the part of hospital leadership. What an obsession this man has become for you.

12/14/2006 07:54:00 AM  
Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

Since the hospital board passed an amendment that you see as an example of underhanded and manipulative behavior, does this mean that the hospital board has gone over to the "Dark Side"? How can a man as incompetent as you portray Hanson, manage to maintain support from his board? Is this all part of some vast management/board/commissioner conspiracy to destroy the hospital or what??? Or could it be possible that honest, thoughtful people can have opinions that differ from yours?

12/14/2006 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As another private business owner who has tried to deal with Hanson, I agree with HB. This man cannot be trusted and has lied on more than one occasion.

The answer to the Board question is simple; some are just incompetent.

We continually ask why they blindly support someone who is characterized by lying and deciept. But therein also lies the answer. Many are just blind, oblivious, or just don't care.

You pick!!

12/14/2006 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

I cannot dispute much of what HB says about the operation of FCMH. I have no contacts, inside or otherwise, with the hospital. What I do have is a wife who has worked for another metro hospital for over 20 years.

She is not a medical person but spends much of her day on the floor(s) interacting with patients, patient families, and all members of the hospital staff. She consequently hears opinions from practically everyone. The comments posted by "staff" from FMCH are the same as she hears about her hospital. Worried about jobs, staffing levels, pay, and who is in whose clique. People complain, it is a fact of life. Sometimes the complaint is valid. Sometimes people just don't understand the overall picture and sometimes people just don't WANT to understand.

Also, it seems about every 18-24 months the administration of her hospital decides to change the "structure" of management to improve "efficiency and patient care." They eliminate position X and form new groups. Often a few months later, they create position Y, which is basically what position X was before.

To me, this all seems pretty similar. Just insert any hospital name.

12/14/2006 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I see DiogenesTrainee is back. Still anonymous as usual and still blindly supporting administration for whatever reason.

iamhoosier commented that just insert a hospital name. To some degree, that is accurate. But it doesn't make it right or make it good business. This is my only hospital and I am not willing to accept the status-quo or mediocrity.

I am willing to point out the problems and also willing to work on resolving them

12/14/2006 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Iamhoosier said...

Just to be clear, for once(smile), I am not disagreeing with you.

Just thought the subject needed a little "greying".

12/14/2006 02:11:00 PM  
Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

HB, you do give me a big laugh when you accuse me of "still blindly supporting administration." Has any reader of this blog EVER seen such a single-minded obsession as you have for tarring the adminstration of one of the best hospitals in the region? No matter that Floyd provides great care, has expanded services and has physically brightened up an otherwise drab river town. In Eichenberger-World, the hospital is a pit of gloom and doom and evil. You must be a real joy for the folks who have to be around your rigid negativity all day.

12/14/2006 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/14/2006 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diogenes, it's not so much about unlikely conspiracies as it is about regular old politics. The big kids don't always want to listen to what the others have to say, so they find various ways of excluding them. These are not new concepts: (1) most influential people only care to hear the opinions of other influential people (particularly whose opinions support their own) and they align themselves accordingly; (2) bureaucrats and pseudo-politicians are prone to tunnel vision and are not predisposed objective thinking; (3) there will be an uprising in the ranks in any organization where ANY change is enforced strictly from the top down, especially when those who are affected do not feel that their voices are being heard. Unfortunately, this happens all too often in healthcare. Mix it all up and what do we get? Pissed off nurses, dead patients, a county bankrupted by incompetence, and then the apocalypse. At least that's the perception that often fuels the debate. The board at FMH could make an imperial decision to switch from Kleenex brand tissues to Puffs and we would still feel the need to blog about it.

12/14/2006 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous poster who posted at 5:29pm I would like you to know the physicians are not the only ones who care about the patients. I am a caregiver at Floyd as well and I feel that the staffs in all the departments care about the patients as much as you do(and some obviously dont, just like some doctors dont), however we dont have as much money at stake as you do!!

12/14/2006 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. (I use all caps) Sonne: you are one scary dude! When you make statements like "WE ARE THE ONLY PARTY HERE AT THIS TABLE THAT CARES ABOUT THE PATIENTS." and "THE DOCTORS WILL PREVAIL. WE ULTIMATELY CONTROL HEALTHCARE AND HAVE FOR 3000 YEARS" you sound more like you are the spokesman for the College of Cardinals rather than trying to be a positive force for the hospital.

12/14/2006 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, Dr. Dan hits the nail on the head and his old buddy, diogenestrainee, continues to ramble on. It amazes me how he can be so critical of HB regarding the remarks he makes about the CEO, yet it's alright for him to refer to HB as "incompetent". I guess diogenestrainee is an expert at everything, especially since he claims he has no ties at FMHHS.

12/14/2006 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never heard anyone, including Dr. Dan, say that FMHHS didn't provide "great" care. They have always provided great care, but because of the great frontline staff and doctors they have, not the administration. How many butts have you seen administration wipe? How many have dressed open wounds oozing with MRSA, or cleaned up vomit that's landed on the floor. How many administration people have you seen perform surgery, stitch up a cut, or stand there with sweat pouring out of them while they do everything possible to keep a child, a mother, or a father from dying? I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing several say how great the administration is, but offer no support or respect to the doctors, nurses, dietary people, housekeepers, aides, maintainence staff, volunteers, orderlies, technicians, lab staff, radiology staff, and the rest of the 1700 associates that put in 8, 12, or 16 hour days to make Floyd Memorial Hospital what it is. Without them there would be no administration because administration couldn't do it alone. As for those who think we live and work in a "drab river town"? I invite you to leave this blog and move somewhere else where you will be happy!

12/14/2006 11:49:00 PM  
Blogger DiogenesTrainee said...

Anonymous 11:23, you might want to go back and actually read what I said. I did NOT refer to HB as incompetent. I said: "How can a man as incompetent as you portray Hanson..." The meaning is that HB continually describes Hanson as incompetent, not that HB is incompetent. You might want to read a little more carefully before you criticize next time.

12/14/2006 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed recently, as well as several relatives and neighbors, that Clark Memorial has been really hitting strong on a marketing campaign around the New Albany and Floyd County areas. I noticed in their newsletter they've inserted "A Statement of Accountability". In the statement is a list and picture of their Board of Trustees. I couldn't help notice that yheir chairman is also a physician at the hospital. Are they trying to slide into Floyd's turf since problems are on the rise here? As far as the blogger that wrote about the staff it takes to give great care, THANK YOU. Your staff truly do work hard and you deserve far more credit than you are ever given.

12/14/2006 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diogenestrainee - Maybe it's you that needs to pay a little more attention as to what you write. I know what I read. When the statement: "How can a man as incompetent as you..." is written just who is the "you"? One would get the impression that "you" refers to the person you are addressing the comment to, in this case HB. Besides, aren't we all being critical one way or another?

12/15/2006 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diogenestrainee - My sincere apology to you. After re-reading your comment about "incompentence" I stand corrected. It's getting late and my eyes are staring to cross, I think. It took me twice to read it and get the right angle. Again, my apologies. Anonymous 11:23 & 12:18.

12/15/2006 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent comments from our posters. I agree it is the frontline staff that continues to make Floyd what it is and why we as doctors have got to become more active in protecting you.

Without you, we cannot provide the care for our patients.

Administrations will come and go, but the docs, nurses and staff will be here for the long-term.

The docs are the ones who have control of directing our patients. We are customers too.

As this administration continually fails to realize that, they are harming the staff, the patients, and the hospital.

I'll continue to speak up and more doctors are as well.

12/15/2006 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The arrogance by DiogenesTrainee displayed here and in numerous previous postings continually amazes me.

For someone “who has no ties” to Floyd to continually berate and belittle the blog host goes beyond the limits of acceptable behavior.

You either think your knowledge is far superior than someone who has first-hand knowledge of the event or circumstances, or you are just flat out lying about your identity.

If the first is true, you truly are arrogant, and if the second is true, then you fit in well with the current administration.

12/15/2006 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Dan has first hand experience, knowledge and information.

Diogenestrainee claims to have none by numerous denials of having no affiliation.

There is a clear difference and why you are also blinded and biased is also still unclear

12/15/2006 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After looking at your profile and seeing these comments:

"About Me
I'm hung.

Oscillate my metallic sonatas with your plan for the Panama canal:
You need to oscillate your mind with some Panamanian weed and some of Roger's beer while listening to Metallica doing Bach!! "

Maybe the drugs and alcohol has really fried your brain. You may actually have an excuse

12/15/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it is time for Napoleon to be exiled to Elma.

The Watcher

12/15/2006 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always found it interesting to listen to the malcontents in an organization. They all want to "throw out the bums." However, when it comes to figuring out what would come next, the suggestions are all over the place and wildly inconsistent. Here on this blog, posters describing themselves as doctors have been for or against things that other supposed doctors feel differently about. The same is very true about employee postings where the same managers are described as awful or as lights shining in the darkness. Whining and tearing down are easy tasks. Building and maintaining a large, complex organization is a lot harder. Be very careful what you wish for, you might be surprised how it turns out.

12/15/2006 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of courese Diogenestrainee will seem to blinndly support Hanson. If Hanson is gone, so is Diogenestrainee.

12/15/2006 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who have had any doubts regarding the crisis at Floyd Memorial Hospital I invite them to read the headlines and article in the New Albany Tribune, Friday, Dec. 15th, 2006. Please keep in mind that this has apparently never happened under any other administration (both hospital & political) in the history of this fine hospital (including the past expansions).

12/16/2006 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What "crises"?? All that article talked about was getting expenses in line with revenues--the same thing that happens in every organization that does annual budgets. How does REMAINING profitable constitute a "crises" when other hospitals in the region continue to function with negative profits in some years? You guys are letting HB's personal vendetta against Hanson affect your own thinking abilities.

12/16/2006 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on the topic of manipulation. I have posted 1 time previously re: the reasons I left FMHHS this year. I stated it was due to a lack of confidence/trust in senior leadership. As a follow-up, it now seems a position badly needed in the OR to insure patient safety is not going to be filled, due to the mandate given the Director to eliminate 8 FTEs in the OR for budgeting purposes. As a person of integrity and a staff advocate, this Director has been placed in a no-win situation - eliminate the open position or reduce/eliminate an existing associate(s)' FTE. Never mind that whatever is decided, patient care will be negatively affected in the OR. The open position is an existing RN FTE, deemed a priority after a surgeon communicated with Administration re: a long-standing issue affecting patient safety. Good Luck to the OR Director who's in between the proverbial "rock and a hard place".

12/17/2006 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:07, you wrote:

"As a person of integrity and a staff advocate, this Director"

Would that by any chance be the same person some other poster referred to as a "backstabbing bitch"?

Just curious because I have a hard time seeing any consensus here other than whatever is subopitmal for each poster should be changed without regard for anyone else who might have to give up something for that to be done.

12/17/2006 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12 / 17 3:31 No, this is a different "B ...B... ".

12/17/2006 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Keith Megraw, Board Member FMHHS. This is my first posting on your blog or any blog for that matter. I am a proponent of free speech. You asked, in your article titled Manipulation, who’s ready for change??

I am ready for change. On December 14, 2006, you accused me of violating the Code of Ethics of Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services, Standard 4.1 Outside Financial Interest, as it pertains to my position on the Hospital Board. Indiana Code 16-22-2-10 and Indiana Code 16-22-7-13, addresses written procedural responsibilities for board members who have a conflict of interest.

You said “ But I guess there is no conflict to have a bank president on the Board … or insurance agents who the hospital uses for services.”

Fact is, FMHHS does not have any business with Health Insurance by Design or for that matter, one dime deposited in First Harrison Bank.

Fact is, FMHHS has very detailed policies and proceedures, and a Code of Ethics Disclosure Statement, that all Board Members must sign if they have a conflict of interest.

Fact is, you were on the FMHHS Board when that disclosure statement was revised in March 2003. You reviewed it in May 2003 and again in March 2005.

You are fully aware of the allogations you have levied at me. I do not take public allogations of unethical behavior lightly. I have been a member in good standings in this community for many years.

I hope that you and your family have a great holiday. I pray for special blessings on your son, who I believe is, a military man. My father (deceased 5/18/02) John Megraw III, who’s name I am also defending today, fought in the south pacific to defend the very freedoms you enjoyed on December 14, 2006, bashing our family name.

Keith Megraw December 24, 2006

12/23/2006 05:01:00 AM  

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