Monday, April 24, 2006

More unhappiness and wasteful spending

There is more discontent among the Medical staff and employees. The computer system in the Emergency Room has many bugs and little response from the company on potential fixes. The learning curve is high and it slows down patient care. The nurses cannot even try to use it for “true” emergencies. The doctors are really frustrated since they made statements and sent a letter to Administration in opposition to the system after their on-site reviews. The system was not functioning at the two places they visited and the responses they received were not real favorable. They were unaware at the time they visited these sites the decision to purchase this particular system was already made by administration.

Administration really was not concerned about their opinions. They just wanted to be able to say that physicians and staff were involved in the process. This is a repetitive theme.

The surgery department along with someone in the purchasing department recently purchased new orthopedic equipment without ever asking the orthopedic surgeons. In fact, the Board had approved the purchase 2 years ago of all new Stryker orthopedic equipment which the orthopedic surgeons loved and were using daily. No one can answer why this new equipment was purchased and why the surgeons were not asked. This was a huge waste of money and someone should step up and take responsibility for the decision and the spending.

Trust has been the topic of concern between physicians and administration. I have stated many times before that it will continue to cause problems and a financial impact on the hospital. The Board members should be asking for some accountability for the two problems mentioned above and not accept the typical lip-service and lame excuses from administration.

Forecast for FLOYDS KNOBS, IN (on a scale of 1-12):
Today's allergy levels: Monday - 10/High
Today's predominant pollen:Oak, Maple and Sycamore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey HB,

Somewhat along the lines of this post, I've been hearing that MDs aren't fully embracing EMR because while it increases overall efficiency in areas like transciption, medical records, etc., there is little, if any, benefit to the MD in terms of time required or ease of use over a paper chart. Would do you think?

4/24/2006 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both of you are exactly correct. I hear negative comments every day from patients.

EMR's are not fully embraced because they really offer no immediate benefits when it comes to patient care at the bedside. All systems are cumbersome and more time consuming for the physician-user.

EMR's benefit is the ability to correlate data and access data from remote sites. This certainly is a benefit but it is still not as efficient.

4/24/2006 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the major reasons there is such a wait in the emergency room is due to people using it as a clinic. Furthermore many physicians, after hours, refer patients to E.R. for treatment for things that could have easily been resolved with a simple prescription called into a pharmacy. Of course I would not hesitate to charge the pt. for this service.

4/25/2006 09:59:00 PM  

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