Saturday, October 22, 2005

Schools Teaching too much!!!

I had to take a second look when I first read this article. Were they really serious that we are trying to teach kids too many concepts? [Consultant says schools trying to do too much]

I find it disappointing that there are kids graduating High School and cannot do some of the simplest tasks that will be required for daily life. Examples include simple calculations and long division without the use of a calculator, balancing a checkbook, writing a simple business letter, or calculating the percentage discount of an item in their heads. I have had High School graduates ask me where the stamp and return address goes on an envelope. How are they going to make it in the real world??

Maybe we are trying to cram too many concepts on them before we really enforce the basics. I remember doing my multiplication and division tables over and over and over until they were embedded in my brain. I also remember learning my phonics that has now been replaced with the “whole word” concept of grammar. I am not sure any of the changes made in the last 20 years in the educational teaching process is better than the “Classical Style” of education of the past; but I admit my degree is not in Education.

But maybe we are focusing too much on sports, extra-curricular activities and other things outside of education. Where are our real priorities when it comes to education? When was the last time you ever heard of someone being failed or held back in school? I remember always having the concern growing up if I would be sent to the next grade level and I made good grades. I never hear any kids with that concern now.

Education is the ticket out of poverty, abuse, drugs and many other social problems for many kids. So the question remains; are we really teaching kids too many concepts, or just not the right ones??


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